Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns: Make no mistake about it. Psychiatric labeling is a weapon. The effects are drastic and dire. In practical effect, it occasions the socia...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

                                                             Beer In A Dark Age;
                                                            Salvation of Civilization.

   Yes, I know as far as a drug, all the other illicit drugs combined would never equal the waste of economy, lives and general alcoholic misery. Nothing outside of tobacco has done more harm. The wreckage upon families; I have had girlfriends defending their husbands, that he only beats her when he was drunk. For the record I am a mellow drunk and do not beat my wife intoxicated, she herself when intoxicated is giddy and happy.

     But there is a positive to beer, that in itself, outweighs the negative in saving lives and developing civilization. Indeed even to begin civilization, as it is known the genesis of agricultural began with growing crops to make beer in that prehistoric age. Also second, as  the only crop African pygmies cultivated was marijuana. To ease the boredom of their method of hunting by ambush.

     But focusing here on Europe, in the Dark Middle Ages, The budding of science and knowledge of the Greco-Roman Age was lost on that continent; It was only the Islamic Golden Age that helped preserve the history and other arcane scientific lore. And Science would be stagnant and heretical until the flowering of the Renaissance.

     And more centuries would pass, even into the modern era, when the world of microbiology would reveal both the beneficial microorganisms.  And the harmful bacteria that infested so much disease, misery and death. As then, and now as is in underdeveloped nations, water, drinking water, held some of the worst of harmful bacteria.

     But as microbiology and sanitation were unknown, only that some thing in the water could make them ill or worse. So when possible they drank beer. And we can never know how many lives were saved, in those dismal centuries, where beer was not only for breakfast, but the first hydrating liquid of choice.

     And in those days of witchcraft and sorcery such inquires into a natural explanation why water could make them sick, but beer did not, was an invitation to be broken on the torture rack. For such was blasphemy to delve into such forbidden knowledge; to wonder why beer was good to drink, water was not so good.

     Just by accepting that it was all part of god's will,  they stoked fires to brew the beer. The heat killing the bacteria, the good and the bad.

     Next time my old lady wants to rag me over my beer drinking, I'll remind her that beer has saved more lives, and improved the standard of living; for the medicinal purposes, that no Nobel Prize winner could ever hold a candle to.

     Beer, this Bud's For You. As long as it is not a Bud Light. Light Beer is for sissies and fags.
               --- Diogenes Ltd.