Tuesday, March 22, 2016

                                                           The American Voter:
                                                                Brand X or Y

             I donate regularly to causes and organizations. I sign online petitions; to express my will and support and standing up and speaking out and to that which I believe in and what has to be given a voice. Even though, climate change and global extinction and limitless war and injustice and oppression, I feel is lost as to overcome and route. Still, it is necessary even to fight sometimes, against all the odds, with a dismal outcome that is certain. As even the mouse would resist in the claws and teeth of the cat.

             But I cannot vote, I have not done so for over twenty years. I reject rule by a majority as I would a totalitarian rule. To play into the majority decision as the rule, sometimes right to do so. Other times wrong and even Evil, with a capital E, to subordinate my will and my principles and actions to the masses who weighed in as greater numbers and not as people. But as statistics and ballots tabulated as to agree with the latest trends, in fashion or politics, in the Gallup polls and/or the Nielsen ratings.
                To elect the pre-selected Head Monkey to office so the mass of monkeys can have the freedom to choose just what and how much of the Head Monkey they wish to emulate for the season or the term of office. As if there was no other option like self-reliance and self-direction to not sway with a Greater Good. As if they Greater Number would know best, or even good, as a crowd of the plus number over a smaller, lesser number what is best for one, or even all.

                 Once, in prison where we had no real access to medical texts or the internet, I was arguing with some inmates over a bit of trivia that the male determined the sex of the child, male or female. They for some reason did not believe this and one set to make a bet on it. I would have had a sucker bet and be glad to take his money but I said we would both have to agree on an authoritative source.

                So here we have an analogy over voting. I knew I was right and the other was wrong over a basic fact of biology. But who would decide? As I explained to my counterpart someone just selected for the deal maker may say I was right or he was right and he may himself not know one way or the other. But say we had worked that way and I was declared in error; I would have to put my money down and lose when I would know I was right over a simple yes or no. But the way it would have been set up I would have no choice but to fork over because I would have agreed to a random draw as it was.

                   [It will be a majority that would give Donald Trump, with his delusions of grandeur, the nuclear codes as commander-in-chief. And yes Trump is an exception to the usual X or Y, in that he had enough of his own money to buy into a two-party system. And that this exception to the rule appeals to white trash swayed by reality TV. But it is still a democracy in action.]

             The American Voter is too much like a guy with a thumb up his butt and a thumb in his mouth at the ballot box; to choose Brand X or Y is just so much to say "now switch" in the voting booth.  -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

                                                         Happy St. Pat's Day

                                                        fbi tip line 7 - 11 - 2014
                                              The Fool or the fool who follows the fool

         HELLO my furry little federalis. Either present to the asset with the evidence I was responsible for what was found near Hulen Mall Jan. 1986. OR present me with the evidence I was responsible for  what was found near Hulen Mall Janus 1986.

            UH-OH, graymail I have accumulated that the preponderance of evidence that a Federal Medical Center - Bureau of Prisons C.O. Jeff Shanks planted a "shank",a homemade weapon, in my celli's white pillowcase - white pillowcase being very important - September 29, 2005 (Fort Worth TX - 1984). And that C.O. Jeff Shanks " The coolest cop on the compound" was on the inmate payroll as a contraband mule.

           And in fact the FBOP-FBI-US Department of Justice covered up and ran interference for this little fact of Official Misconduct and Public Malfeasance.  FBOP # 11031 - 078.

                                    [Never downed. Never turned. - Michelle]

                                               ---- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.