Saturday, May 28, 2016

                        (See below February 28 2016. The words of one who said of those who could not get me to recant. I still do not recant).
                                                          Conspiracy Theory

                                Divide to Conquer; to Keep Conquered Keep Divided.

               From the 1880's through the 1950's over 3,000 mostly African-Americans men were lynched in the USA, with the explicit state-sanction for these homicides and other crimes of violence, by the ubiquitous permission of law enforcement by at the very least non-interference. Sanction here defined as allow, permit.

                This served the purposes of, especially in the South, the Dixiecrats to exploit white trash over discontent when in particular cotton crop prices fell. As negro lynching rose in proportion to the depressed cotton market.

                 As to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau: as boys who can not get at The Man, abuse instead the softer target of his dog.

                 More often the reason given was the fear of the black man and his lust for white women. That white family lineages would be bred out by the genetic pool of the black population.

                  But the State-sanction for criminal cabals like the Dixiecrats did not end when negro lynching fell out of favor. Just nowadays the state-sanction given for homicides and other acts of violence and brutality is less overt and more ubiquitous as the designated victim is equal opportunity.

                   As the Nazis at first did not target Jews but Trade-Unionists and Communists in the beginning.

                    White or black, young or old, child or elderly, male or female, poor or even affluent, All became potential targets as the Designated Victim. As now the Dixiecrats have another name, formerly so to speak in criminal circles as The Chain. Which serves the agenda and business interests of Gangsterism and Thuggery.    ---- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

                                                 What Ed Snowden did not tell;
                                           To fear as a needle in a needle haystack
                                NSA: A Multi-Billion Pork Barrel Impotent Peeping Tom

        In the novel 1984; Big Brother Is Watching You was only a probability in Orwell's speculative fiction. In keeping with the technology of the day; a cable was to be at random connected to the average telescreen of the average compliant and conforming citizen of Oceania.

       No one was to know at any given moment whether they were under surveillance or not. Hence the fear that, at any given time in the day, might betray thoughtcrime to the police. And terror upon  the average party member collectively was in fact what was the objective. Not to catch anyone in overt acts of rebellion, because the party members were too terrified to be caught thinking the wrong thoughts; hence thoughtcrime.

        Today, government, with technological capacities outstripping what was in 1948 when George Orwell wrote his book, now has the ability to really say Big Brother IS Watching You:  all x- number of 100 millions 24/7. And there is the total bullshit about surveillance as to safeguard anyone, anywhere and anytime.

        The problem is; The NSA does not isolate a needle in a haystack, it sorts through 100's of billions of needles in a global needle stack of 0's and 1's of computer bytes. Like why Redneck crimes are so hard to prove, the DNA is the same.

        We live in an internet era of trends like Facebook, cat photos and selfies. People fear mass surveillance not due so much privacy issues -- most genuinely have nothing to be ashamed and/or incriminated as far as exposure -- but because they fear, of all things in an All-Seeing Eye, isolation. Being picked as out a deviation from the norm. The exception to the well-trodden rules everyone must go along to get along.

          And so, as a 100 or so million, Muslim or Non-Muslim, hate America; how many would be worthwhile to put under surveillance? How would a National Security Agency All - Listening Ear know what, to give example, going to visit Uncle Ali for the holiday, if it meant anything or not? Or would be a red herring like "Too hot to take the Brooklyn Bridge to see the new Godzilla movie" ? As once was the claim of a thwarted terrorist attack.

            NO, the only fear of government surveillance is government surveillance. Schools and Churches, Religion and Jails, Society and the Masses indoctrinate that to be called out as deviation from the proscribed is to be avoided. Everyone farts, not anyone can fart in public. And the  camera-eye of the crowd is but the sole one in the spot-light that is the objective to spread fear and obedience to the government with its National Security Agency and such.

             So the NSA can say x- number of millions ordered Dominoes pizza, post videos of Bud the Cat, and hold libertarian viewpoints? And yet when Navy SEALs successfully took out Osama bin-Laden with a live feed to the White House. They were lucky in a sense because they were not quite certain bin -  Laden would be in that compound. But they can tabulate the number of libertarian viewpoints who ordered pepperoni.   ---- Copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.