Friday, October 28, 2016

                                                              Cream rises and Shit floats;
                                      What a milkshake that must be, served up at the Supreme Court

     Decades ago I made a conscious decision, a stratagem to see that the Farmer/McKinney family maintain their clout and standing in the food chain of command. It seemed I had a control in their family skeletons, as that would be of "The Devil you know..."

      Only recalling from a somewhat fallible memory circa ere Easter 1985; Trinity River. I only remember it as TV news, never read anything in the newspaper of it. A body found floating of which there was initial confusion of a male or female corpse.

        However this is digression. The rumors of the demise of the Jacksboro Cowboy I am sure is mere smoke of opinion. Yet oddly I never seem aware of any word or concern of the Jacksboro Cowboy. But then again this is digression. --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

                                                     The definition of Outlaw

        "In historic legal systems an outlaw is declared outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies the criminal is withdrawn all legal protection so that anyone is legally empowered to persecute or kill them"   -- source Wikipedia

         Imagine every man woman or child your enemy. But if one were stripped of civil rights, could there not be an offset of release from civic obligation and responsibility? As every woman child and man your enemy and to be regarded as such?




Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar (Video)

                                               Anarchism in the Mid-Twentieth Century
                                                       --- 1974 George Woodcock

     "Since contemporary society has become such an elaborately interlocking structure of bureaucratic machinery that even a slight failure of function quickly becomes magnified in its effects. In such circumstances, the Rebel becomes rather like the small state in a world seemingly dominated by nuclear superpowers. His ability to disturb the intricate balance gives him certain advantages, and there is no doubt that because of the dynamics of the situation ........  [he has ] managed to change social attitudes and to induce retreat on the part of Authority."

  [2016 -- Now we have a choice of the six-figure a pop Hillary the Oligarch and Donald the Predator with his hand on the nuclear hair-trigger]
                                                            Time Served
                                              41 days on a 90 day sentence
                                                    Grayson County Jail

       One can stand on principle, but the piper still needs to be paid. Home again. And again. - SO # 70985

In the Jailhouse Now by Jimmie Rodgers (1928)