Wednesday, December 28, 2016

                                                I Corinthians 10:23; Days of Reckoning

     What Anarchists would Chose to Homestead aside EPA regulators using windscreen as Freedom from Thought?
      As they, the posse of taggers, apparently waiting for the regular time I walked my dog down that block intersecting at West Elm & Layne in Denison TX. On March 09, 2014, at around 4:20 pm, to spray the tagging on the trunk of a tree, the first name of the man in question Mis-represented as one who had a beef here on this block, as it tied into the DFW metroplex area of Texas.

      And they were children, ages from elementary to no older than middle school, none of them lived on this block.

      As I had seen from the towns from where I once lived in common with the parties in question, although two decades prior;  MIS - Representation is subject to the death penalty in the laws of the Hood.

      ( I must clarify for the record, I have tagged, but I never mis-represented another in tagging. My signature and M. O. were clearly mine and was for my own agenda, which most often was not for territorial gain but to set forth what I saw in a problem that had to derive from it a solution.)

       Friends and loved ones of mine had died for the false accusations of which we did not do, but what in fact I saw with my own two eyes 4 pre-teen to young adolescents do that crime of tagging another's name and another's property on and of her tree.    -------- Diogenes Ltd.


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