Sunday, January 22, 2017

                                             For The Good and For The Evil;
                                                     Ideas Are Bulletproof

     "Ideas are bulletproof"; as in the below video from V For Vendetta. Interesting that " ideas are bulletproof " is in the web domain of an advertising business. Because, however righteous was the line in the movie when Creedy's neck is broken, A multiple of millions of innocent and just necks have been broken, in the name of formidable and perennial ideas, seeding the atrocities of the evil men do. That is to speak figuratively, since far greater is inflicted, as they say death by hanging, if done right, is one the quickest and less painful way to die.

     Indeed, we now have a president who fed on the fear and loathing of enough voters who were rallied against immigrants and Muslim terrorists and the economy and all the horrors infested in ideas entrenched in their heads that the USA needed something like Donald Trump to set the house in order.

    When I heard on the TV news, of the coverage of the Democrat Party Convention, and heard Hillary Clinton proclaim herself as "..The Real Change.." I knew she fucked herself out of the Oval Office. And you know why? Beyond the fact that no one would believe Hillary Clinton would be anything but the same old song and dance.

     Because the Democrats are too unprincipled and too cowardly to admit the issues and crisis of immigrants and Muslims and the economy are a total bullshit phantom menace. A false flag that really cannot be called that if anyone looked beyond the ever-explosion of sound-bite memes and checked the basic facts.

     After all, just like the Republicans, the Democrats too must infest the ideas in the voting heads that they are equal to the tasks of issues and crisis and such.  Democrats, more than Republicans as a rule, feed on Grand Ideas of Government Control.

     To give example, the Health Care Crises of 20 million uninsured Americans that was to be solved by Obamacare. 20 million uninsured Americans only measures out to 15% of the USA.  So for 85% Health Care did not seem to be a crisis as far as  coverage.  Just the cost of insurance premiums sucking them dry, as does Obamacare.

     The economy has been steadily growing for the past 80 months as far as jobs are concerned. Here in the Texoma area of Texas, anyone needing a job can get one. It won't be the highest paying or even a good job, but still a job to be had by all if they are inclined.

     Immigrants? rather undocumented immigrants, especially in the Agricultural Industry? There is always a shortage of workers in that low-paying field.

     And never enough legal workers to fill those positions. For years the rate of illegal immigration has been declining. Hence it became a crisis for the border patrol; their job security. No doubt why they would support The Trump Wall, job security, perks and other benefits would flow like milk and honey for the border cops. Ergo, the idea of undocumented workers, as rapists, flooding across the desert border.

     Muslim terrorists? Yes 9 -11 was a a horror, I had been to the World Trade Center in the nineteen-eighties and was awed by it's massive structure. The reason I felt even months afterward  I could not watch on TV the footage of the Twin Towers falling.

     However the War On Terror became less about Osama bin-Laden and more about taking down Saddam Hussein. The War On Terror was such a grand idea that it was bulletproof from any real outrage when it came known the George W. Bush & Crew lied and fabricated the ado over Weapons of Mass Destruction.

     And statistically speaking, anyone, even white people, are far more likely to be killed by a cop or falling tree limb than by terrorists. Like the missing children on milk cartons, 99.993% are runaways or parental custody disputes. Not stranger-danger stuff.

    Income Inequality is such a grand idea, with even great ideas, to overcome it. Most people are unaware that global poverty has been cut in half in just the last 30 years and world wide the standard of living is at an unprecedented all-time high.

   Warfare and crime and disease have been steadily in decline for decades. A great deal of this is simply due to declining birth rates. Even as the population is still expanding beyond the now at 7 billion, the rate at which it expands is slowing down. In the Natural World, longer living and healthier populations of species breed less often.
    And yet, we are like Jehovah Witnesses, counting down the seconds till doomsday as all the preachers and such with their sign of the times of "wars and rumors of wars", etc. As if warfare wasn't prevalent in the  Biblical days of the Roman Empire.

   One the other hand, we have Donald Trump, thin-skinned and psychopathic, and having access to the nuclear launch codes. Let us hope they can keep him distracted with pussy to grab and not the nuclear hair trigger!

   The down side  of Adam Smith's Economics; Climate Change, depletion of natural resources, and another, the Sixth, Great Extinction. The last was 65 million years ago. But for such as the creationists the grand ideas of science has never been one to hold much sway. Compared to Kim Kardashian or Miley Cyrus twerking, E = MC2 is a mighty weak and dissipated idea. Even as it makes possible atomic bombs.

    So in conclusion, "Ideas Are Bulletproof" is certainly true - For ones like Malala Yousafzai there is proof in the flesh that ideas are quite formidable, maybe invincible. But even so, as transference of memes, in itself can say nothing to a positive and/or negative value. Even as religious texts can last for millennia. And a scientific truth even lost as a theory of natural law ever would wait to be rediscovered. But as Mark Twain noted "A lie can get half-way around the world while the truth was just putting on its shoes"  -- Diogenes Ltd



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