Tuesday, January 12, 2016

                                               ROOT--STRIKE: the Digger Dog
                                      Conclusion of (by end date) January 14, 2016


                        As unconscious, and though not representative as near of an artificial intelligence as to date yet of a "HAL" of the Sci-Fi movie 2001. It was still not blind societal programming as engineered with deliberation.

                       1833 was the historical date given as the foundation of Public Education in America and England. To train factory workers as youngsters to adapt themselves as labor pools to the required tasks of routine and fixed as a lifetime of work operating machinery at the bloom of the Industrial Revolution.

                        Howbeit still a subjective judgement to set at any given date of any decade through post- 2001 for the establishment of Mechanismi, here below defined as such.

                          Mechanismi as the undisputed and unchecked by any but a minority of dissenters; as the domineering factors as both Western and Eastern Civilizations. It's  power was wholly undisputed in the Machine Age. As could be regarded, however problematic, its reign and control could not be subject to serious opposition, as to the alternatives as the now very global biosphere, its economy is set to obliterate. Could now even not fulfill in its natural state the masses of World population of its peoples.

                         But in itself lead to a now status of Man in current times as one of a myriad of inherent dangers of and in any eco-system of any times in millions and eons past and would assume to be same givens in eons in the far flung future, for any and all species'.

                            Human parents of especially in America; became both unwilling and unable to train and protect their youngsters into adulthood against the simple threats of modern civilizations as would be a given in any jungle, no higher species could hope collective to survive as a rule if e,g. its public education students were trained to engineer software to run machines, and be forbidden to learn both The Scientific Method and Natural Evolutionary History of the earth's geology.

              And school policy had to have as a rule cell phones kept at turned off as too many parents kept "blowing up" their student-kids cell phones as they were in attendance in class. (And to think in our days we thought Sister Mary Elephant was funny..)  -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



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