Thursday, January 7, 2016

                                                The Leveller; intro Digger Dog
                                                     January 7, 2016:
                                                     Truth as Power as Truth of Power
                                              To The Powerless and/or crippled feeble-minded babies

                                                    Rule # 13; Nothing confounds and distorts to twist askwered
                                        The Masses than the Truth. Sell some thing only an idiot could buy, and 97% of the recommended of Doctors agree They will buy.

              [Pre-set at August 17, 2009 -- 10 [06] - 28 - 2003 HeraDem.  (USPS posted Judge Don D Bush &  Judge Richard Schell:  Eastern-Federal - District; Sherman TX. 11 -29-2006; Case # 4:04 - CR - 70) and to the little girls living down the Lane off Elm; as to query of Pink or Blue? Both and/or All of the above

                    As was most testing; just answer so as to be inclusive, not so in-accurate and not quite just wrong. And you get an easy A in World History Class when the C students call you " Space Cadet"  as the teacher would note that was how Einstein was after a smoking a joint of Colombian Gold Bud with Rich.

          And 30 years later,  your teacher will have explain that the local Poets' Society is known to write and publish much if not most of their works while "drunk".  Just never do operating under the influence due to, other things,  medical liability issues.]

                This proposition in any postulated what if, has no one given heading or coinage of a said name of syndrome or paradox, basically the lesser of evils of choice when there is no choice; one will see in everything from Game Theory used by nations and corporations, in the Bible a number most explicit Judges 19:22 -30 or action movies like The Hitcher or FailSafe.

                But rather than dissent that one over another is in choosing a lesser evil is still even evil to embrace. More accurately many options are not as x or y as in computers bit bytes a choice of 1 would always have to compute with an 0 to even be as simple as a binary system.

                 Perhaps as Ayn Rand wrote in "This is Jon Galt speaking.." [to paraphrase] the choice of poison or food is to choose life or death. but to choose poison in food as nourishment is still [ultimate] death."

            So if one realizes, and even accept not so resigned to feel that it is a D-Day type of decision as if to lose the battle is but to ensure total defeat as extinction, when post elected day in NOV. 5 2016, just a parcel of MOther Nature down for the count but not so out that the re-match is never to be again. And each in turn of both opponents , well past the prime; Muhammed Ali could make good money endorsing D-Con bait. And George Foreman hawking grease-free fry - grills makes a few dollars.

              If one were to realize any body to win the Republican Primary could beat Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton that even as not as a Republican President to-be with even  resembling the lucidity of a Bernie Sanders or not.

         As almost, from the boomtown years of the mid and late 1990's of Peace and Posterity post 9-11, WMD and the War on Terror as even after the recovery ongoing post- The Great Recession as the long-dead Osama bin Laden gets the last laughing now as Iraq is defeated at the hands of ISIS..

          But thanks to a high nielsen rating of The Apprentice and the Imperiled Evil incarnate of Immigrants of all colors, races and sexes; the As seen on TV post January 2017; President Donald Trump will restore hope of government entitlement for a better American Way of Life for every disenfranchised cracker in every trailer park across the A of US.

          Sad to think of Democracy in Action; for every President to put under spotlight - never the highly rated national syndicated OP-ED columnist of every Party paper or leading publication as endorsed on Oprah really never thought of what is the " Tyranny of the Majority "  where the numbers favoring the lynch mob of the natural order are as a rule of the more of the added sums of death and despair for nature minorities to resemble a Neadanderthal or Homo Saipen,

      [[[ [Man for short as not to confuse too many monosylble the the word as HOMO means only    " one ". which come to think, even to define so, too much thought  to what was as given could lead to same confusion. But not for me, but then as to claim a count of verified witness to defend a high-school virgin going back to the third grade - yes it seems obvious to any one that a sophomore boy would boast of being made a man as early as I would average at hip-wader  level of the 3rd-4th grade ( I assume they meant a home run but honestly, I would not know how to say? cop a feel would be a first or second base in the 4th grade?). When I merely stated for the record at 15, the oddest reaction was from some high pocket slut up two rows of shock. Like what I could say? well actually an uncle thought what if for a birthday party..but that was so to boast of that you had to pay $20, and yet to me, may be not the love of the lifetime..but as one of a different drummer whose values of time more than just the cash value of a quarter ounce..and when investing in a 5th of Jack Daniels as every knows when she gets drunk except she proved to hold her liquor pretty good damn I was the under tabling remembering her brother did not mention that..and who hell wants to cliche' "prove your love.." just to get past with a finger..]]]

              SO-So  you realized; instead of assurance that, at least you know viewer's choice of President Trump is to be a loaded gun in the hands of the voting majority of Idiot America, to loose in confusion of teenage lust of remembrance of Then;;   you noted the bracket -- to jump here  -- if you ever entertain the thought the country had a problem of Immigrants to begin with. That is the problem to begin with;  is the issue of.. Unless you somehow have an alternative solution to simple supply and demand, that wages offered aside. There must be a reason besides the wetbacks and towelheads stealing your jobs away in the easy gigs of agricultural and food service industry. And I a blogger can say that to your lazy fat ass and your white trash bitch because the candidate of any or all Partys of every political flavor and/or color can NOT tell you because people who speak so true:  do not get elected President, and never get to make good money as a respectable and noteworthy News Columnist known for being wise and sagely which simply means he writes better copy in the paper.

         "The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveler's cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same"
          Now instead of a hard copy past the next election as archived as proof beyond the need to be another paycheck to earn as an advertising gig. Try this analogy as candidate choice, CANNABIS SOLUTION TO DOSE HEAD MONKEY TO DO AS SEE THEN DO;
      Henry David Thoreau would have made a fortune working Madison Avenue, had he not hated to live in NYC in the 1800's. Maybe if only he thought to try it Newark NJ.. Wall Street would have not looked so bad.
      BRAIN ON DRUGS: pass it to D.TRump or Ted CRuz. NO equal opportunity here. One gets a good and stoned.   One is sober. At least sober not getting one toke off this.

Trump; that stuff burns brain cells

Cruz : NO harm done.

And if by chance you would favor Cruz in the primary, he is a Texan, that is he is a Texas Senator elected in Texas. But looney as he is, he hates fags. great, but no fag stoled a white trash job.

Trump is loonier than Cruz. Trump hates mexicans. mexicans work and displace white trash family values.

 But what if something Deviant, something earthshaking, was revealed by Prez. Cruz to-be  save american white trash values --  to displace fear of working for a living that immigrants pose; that would other wise blind america as a President elected Trump might.

        Something ridiculous sounding enough but what if something to as seen up enough as to a few Q & A can as the New Secular Menace that was verirfied as fact:  faggots and secular humanists of democratic parties in TEX/OK were shown as was as is to the Real Decent White Folks that opinion polls gave as 30% undecided..  

      --- Copyright 2016 (pre-November election DAY 2017) copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




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