Saturday, February 27, 2016

                                             The Power of a (generic) Sacred;
                                             / " Sometimes the innocent pay......."

           In the historic era of the Celts/Druids; there was a belief that if one cut the head off an enemy, one gain that enemy's power. That if it were their tribe to attack you, you had in reserve, as an asset, that enemy's tribal power to work it against them to your own advantage.

        It was for me not a head but a Big Lie. That I had as contra-wise to screw them whenever they would set out to clean and wipe up my backyard. Because the Big Lie can never withstand the cold light of reason. So incognito that always left their own backyard wide open and up for me to plunder more assets, if not give their wife and/or daughter a big kiss on the way out the back door or gate.

         But they always had the city employed in their corner following the Golden Rule, "He who has the gold makes the rules." And Truth never bought off and/or could pay for much. Certainly not the miserable souls who sell all of real value for whatever daily bread will have them keep pace with their favored peers. To say Anything Goes in the name of expediency and compliance to those who pay the pittance from the gold reserve.

         But in darkness the Big Lie is shielded from the cold light of reason. In government, school and church, the paid-for sponsored press. Or the shit in the mouth of a kid who speaks of a name of a little girl and  "cripple" used as a verb. His daddy is city employed.

           Twenty years prior there was a couple of annoying kids, same block, who used to hang around the yard. Never once did I see a, not once did I see any sign of abuse, neglect or exploitation. And their daddy never needed a kid to front him or need to speak of cripple as verbs with little girls. And I do not recall him ever city employed.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




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