Wednesday, June 8, 2016

                                             Henry David Thoreau was NOT a Pacifist
                                         (And also, he did not refuse his Harvard diploma)

          A bone of contention among many Thoreauvians is the common mis-perception that Thoreau ever was a pacifist. Even Joseph Wood Krutch made this misinterpretation when trying to reconcile Thoreau 's later support  and championing of the armed abolitionist John Brown (In fact Thoreau helped one of his soldiers escape into Canada after Harper's Ferry).

            I think the later title Civil Disobedience is the reason, of what first was published as Resistance to Civil Government, for a lot of the misleading notions. I think idea of Civil Rights Workers having their heads bashed in by state-sanctioned thugs as passive resistance is the reason for this pacifist notion of what basically is, in my opinion,  the definitive work on the argument for anarchism.

           To quote Thoreau; "But even suppose blood should flow. Is there not a sort of blood shed when the conscience is wounded?"

          Which brings us to date; and in fact if the detestable Hillary Clinton does not secure the White House.  And my gambler's instinct which won me money when Obama was running against McClain, but I could not place money on who is the winner to be to this gambler's instinct, That abomination Donald Trump and his mental diseased supporters.

          It should be noted that the media moguls have a money machine in Trump; pro or con for or against, it doesn't matter. As CBS CEO Les Moonves observed "Trump may not be good for the country but he is great for ratings." So our media will invest in Trump because he is good business. And the Majority needs the media to tell them how and what to think.

         And that a Majority would decide that a wall would border and enclose a freedom loving peoples? -- the proposed wall between Mexico and the US. Freedom loving peoples do not put up walls around a land. That is for a Communist Berlin or a despot of ancient China.

        No curl up and die pacifism for me. I will fight to the death before any hate-mongering racist hairbag  puts a wall around my land just a few hundred miles from my homestead. A Majority of One if need be.  
--- John David Browning.





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