Friday, June 24, 2016

                                  Why The Machine is Now the Dominate Power on Earth
                                                             "Tools of their tools"

      In my blog I present a viewpoint that the Rise of the Machines has already happened without any need for a 'Skynet' Artificial Intelligence to evolve in cyberspace. Indeed Artificial Intelligence is moot as the collective organic intelligence is hardwired on the internet in the way the nervous system is cybernetically wired in our anatomy.

      Interesting that Neo-Luddites use the internet with Youtube and blogs to express their fears, concerns and opinions. Because it is the best way to reach out to society. Like in the Terminator movies where cyborgs are captured and reprogrammed to fight for Humanity.

      The Rise of the Machines began in 1833 when Public Education was instituted to train factory workers to operate the mechanisms in pace and capacity of the machinery and so become subordinate to the economic demands of the products and distribution thereof.

       I have a dismal outlook for Homo sapien for the next few hundred years. As the Sixth Great Extinction will leave a dying biosphere that humans are a part of and depended on as much as whale or protozoa.

      Even Orwellian that the term 'Income Inequity' was coined when  the standard of living is at a global historic high and rising further. As the economic demands of the machines feeds an ever increasing appetites as malnourished and starving populations has had its number cut in half in the last 30 years. And now obesity is a world-wide problem.

      Now the powers-that-be know the Hierarchy is fixed on and in the cyber-realm. Like Oak trees in a grove that grow out so thick to shut out the sunlight needed for its own seedlings to survive. To make way for other species to grow over in the climax forest. --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

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