Wednesday, August 24, 2016

                                                        Life Without Principle; or,
                                              This is for you Texoma Community Center

                       "The ways that you might get money almost without exception lead downward"
                                  --- Henry David Thoreau

     It's de ja' vue all over again in the words of Yogi Berra. Once again I am direct and contra - wise against those who do wrong, or at the least compromised, due their gainful employment, their "job".

     It is mostly, but not exclusively, a female adversary there standing by their job, I cannot respect them. I regard them less than a whore supporting a pimp. Quite apt as behind the scenes it is a male malefactor who is the source of the misconduct and malfeasance in question.

     My mother once lost a job with the US Postal Service because she would not have sex with her supervisor. Mom did complain and her supervisor was transferred as Mom was hounded out of the US Post Office because the more submissive female co-workers did not like a snitch.

      Myself, because of Authority entanglements, lost jobs in Boston MA, Fort Lauderdale FLA and Galveston TX since I was too hot to handle for honest labor.

       But Mother and I never lost our principles by taking a stand. Think about that next payday girls.
        --- Diogenes Ltd.

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