Sunday, August 28, 2016

                                                                        Throw'd Off;
                                                                or, Shit Runs Downhill

                           "Acknowledge irrational beliefs towards others, and provide reality-based data to support trust." -- treatment plan  -- Dr. Ashley Noble PhD.

     "C.O.s don't lie"; that is the policy of the Federal Bureau of Prisons regarding its correction officers. That "C.O.s don't lie" may seem, tho the general public, a rather broad and all inclusive statement to make about a nationwide system of penal institutions. Of the eighty-five men and women employed as correction officers at the Fort Worth Texas facility, a Federal Medical Center; 100 % integrity would be quite commendable.

       However on a Thursday morning of September 29 2005 (21 years to the date from 1984, a date to weigh heavy on a number of hearts and minds of the family and friends of a Catherine Davis), one correction officer, on that Fort Worth compound, not only lied, by way of false incident report. He planted a "shank", a homemade weapon in the white pillowcase of my celli -- white pillowcase being very important -- and he did so at the bequest of  still another celli; himself regarded by a number of inmates on that unit with such descriptive labeling as "snitch" , "faggot", "piece of shit" (his boyfriend, a very nice young man, liked him however).

      And I would have been a witness to this planting of the shank, the homemade weapon, in the unsuspecting inmate's white pillowcase; the so above described celli had a green pillowcase, my pillowcase left upstairs and not subject to search was white like the white pillowcase of the unsuspecting celli who had the planted shank in his white pillowcase.

     Except there was that policy of "C.O. don't lie". And because of that policy, and something or other in my psych-chart; and by always sticking to my account, I would go from a "good inmate" to another descriptive label: Throw'd Off.  --- copyright Diogenes Ltd.

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