Wednesday, November 16, 2016

             The Badge that was Authority, And Not to Be Held to Accountability.   Government Work and Groupthink

      It has been 30 years this past January. I was to be the fall guy, the patsy to soothe the savage wimp of a civil servant and his foolish fantasy. Because other wise his compromise over  the scramble due to the facts - as he was already subject to compromise - when all I had to offer was a criminal profile on a family of sexually sadistic criminals. As to say to the Fort Worth Police Dept. "This the kind of freaks you have been wanting to question?" My motive to turn on them, they burnt me. Not because I went to the same high school as the victim.
     Groupthink in a nutshell is giving responsibility and accountability to a collective and thereby releasing the individual from self-reliance and self-ownership. Because with self-reliance and self-ownership one is to be responsible and accountable for ones own actions, and failures to act. It can become topsy-turvy when a lynch mob is caught unexpected, and called out as a person singularly; "Oh so you know so and so and you know what of and what be?" Nothing like sudden amnesia when one is called on the carpet.

        For some time I have realized something about the psychological profile of those who apply to law enforcement as a career. They are as a group men and women who do not want to be burdened with personal responsibility and accountability. So they become a cop and then a badge and a gun and the uniform bears the burden of responsibility and accountability. The Police are but another form of Groupthink. And a Boston working girl, as a police matter, is forever to me destination unknown "where she can't be hurt no more." to quote the Old Gangster in Galveston TX.

       And that boys and girls, is the reason for the chain of events spelled out in the 28 of February blog of 2016 and other blogs I have been a scribe inputting into cyberprint and hard copy since December 2015.  Jay, of Boston MA, his answer to my hypothetical question, a what if I had been set up two years prior near Hulen in Fort Worth TX. Jay, educated and worldly wise, told me of how many of the lives of my peers were very disposable to answer questions such as I had.

       Damn thing was I asked again years later and to date, and more often or not I get the same answer. Not the kind of thing you would have on an employment application or job resume' as reason for leaving your last employer.

       Thing is about the written word, the damn thing tends to linger around longer than the individual. And even longer after the group itself is extinct. Think of these words as a fossil collection. Bones and blood that were hardened into stone -- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016


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