Saturday, November 5, 2016

                                                                  Matthew 16:26,
           What doth it profit for a man to gain the world..."to succeed such desperate enterprises?"
                                                   A World of Want In A Time of Plenty

        At this point in history we face national and global crisis. In a time of unprecedented Peace and Plenty we have War and Deprivation. Why? Is it noteworthy that world wide obesity has become a problem. A fat girl consuming more and more because she is still hungry; only it is not a fat girl but Civilization.

      Below in this blog I unconsciously misquoted Thoreau' words "Men have become tools of their tools"; in earlier blogs I incorrectly quote Thoreau "Tools of our tools" But when I realized the error I made a decision to leave it as is. Because I too am of the "..mass of men"  who has become a tool of my tools.

       " I can't complain but sometimes I still do" as Joe Walsh sang. We, the majority in the nation and other nations, have allowed an outmoded and obsolete societal structure to keep producing beyond our needs until the difference between needs and wants are not to be differentiated. From Big Macs to beer to TV to smart phones to SUVs, Society is a fat girl ever consuming, eating itself to diabetes, heart attack and death. Not because society is starving, but because it's Consumerism is a means that is its own ends. And hungers for more more and still more.  --------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

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