Saturday, November 12, 2016

                                            Sabotage The Pending Trump Wall,
                      Monkey Wrenching and Immigration; the Law of Supply and Demand
                                              Divided to Conquer the Sell-Out

         To date Trump is backtracking on repealing Obamacare. So I refused to sign up for Obamacare under President Obama, and I will refuse to sign up for Obamacare under President Trump. Already the word is that the maverick anti-establishment Trump is courting the friends of Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Washington insiders, to do the presidential business as usual.  To divert his "people" from the sell-out, President Trump will just blame it on the immigrants and Muslims.
       I will leave the impractically of the proposed Trump Wall to others like the video below in this blog. First things first America. Whether they are documented or undocumented; they are here in America for one reason only. The law of supply and demand. Especially in the Agricultural Industry, if there wasn't a demand for undocumented workers, they would not be here to be hired on if there were legal workers to meet the labor demands.

      Why do think the farmers and others in the Agricultural Industry would go through the trouble of hiring illegal workers if they had other options? Shamefully, no one in the Agricultural Business has spoken forcefully enough to make that case.

     Another thing President-elect Donald Trump is a megalomaniac-psychopath. Mexico is not going to pay for America's xenophobic disease so US tax-payers will foot the bill for the monument to Trump dick. Yes a national border- long schlong tribute to Donald the Great.

       But as the Trump Wall will be a logistical nightmare, and if you do not recognize Trump as a viable leader of the Free World. Monkey Wrenching, that is, sabotage is the way to hinder and thwart the construction of this border wall from the start of whenever and where ever that start-up might be.

       In addition to publications there is all kinds of information on monkey wrenching and sabotage on the internet. I suggest for starters, to google environmentalist Edward Abbey, his life and works. Together we can smash this despotic cloud-cuckoo land that America has become.

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