Monday, November 14, 2016

                     (Revised subject matter from November 6 blog. Because now I am really pissed off)

                         "People in power creating a need for what is not needed" -- Wendell Berry

            It is like all the preachers, priests and gurus. All of them telling you your life sucks from sin when you are actually feeling pretty good. So they invent Hell and Karma to convince you to give them a donation to save your soul.

             The Great Recession is over and economic recovery is in full swing for most of the country. The poor have never had it so good; Black, Latino and Redneck. Crime is at an all-time low. And you are more likely to be killed by a falling tree limb than killed by a terrorist. In fact you are more likely to be killed by a cop than killed by a terrorist even if you are white.

              Make America Great Again? What? Bring back polio and smallpox? You were fed a line of crap America so you would buy buy buy crap to make the rich get richer off your obesity. You never had it so good  - at the cost of environmental catastrophe, nay environmental cataclysm - and it was not need but want that fueled your masses. You were not starving America, you are a fat girl who cannot stuff enough pie in your face.  -- Diogenes Ltd.

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