Thursday, December 1, 2016

                                                         True Crime Story

     Preamble: once I was questioned in a cold case back in 1993. As was I was in a different city altogether and such was verified. But some how I seemed to be familiar with the dump site, before the Tarrant County Medical Examiner was, in a manner of speaking.

      Funny thing was, my only familiarity with the dump site was from months before the actual crime. But as I had a head full of meth and such it took years to reconstruct the memory.

       As once I was a nickel and dime dope dealer, I fell into the employ of a family whose heavy numbers were above the reach of me and my crowd, some one had to be the Judas Goat. Thing was they had friends on the police force, some actually worked off duty as security for their facilities. So as things do go down hill for often or not small potatoes like me, I was to confess to something that was a relatively minor offense compared to the other wise major offense.

          But I refused to confess. Then I refused to recant to not confessing. This embarrassed the police and that became a problem for my former employers who had police as friends of theirs. Since they could not just get at me by my refusal to recant to not confessing  -- it would be over ten years later before I would know what was the deal about an afghan as opposed to a sweater, but I digress - I would not recant so they shot a no-name motel-maid whore I knew in the past as retaliation. Also she knew too much anyway and knew she could not hold out forever against my big beautiful puppy dog eyes.

          And you know what really is the bitching thing? I still will never recant, who cares what the neighbors say? Of course until recent years there was an elementary school a half a block down from where we live And some peckerwood would be wiseguy noted there was also a graveyard behind the school...Of course that called into mind hostages..but I thought as a wiseguy too and like the Frito-Bandito in the TV commercial "Now I will change your Frito-Lay Chips into my Frito-Lay Chips"

          What really is appalling is that worked. And now I got stiffed on the baby-sitting fees...  - copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016 Denison Tx

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