Wednesday, December 7, 2016

roaddogking: Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger ...

Anomie - Lack of the usual social or ethical standard in an individual or group.

Formal Social Control -- External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or anomie in society.

Informal Social Control - The reaction of individuals that bring about conformity to norms and laws, written and unwritten laws, including peer pressure and community pressure to reign in and control anomie.

Uniformal Social Control - a meshing of Formal and Informal Social Control when an anomie has deviated from what is acceptable to both Formal Authority and Informal Authority e.g. Gangsterism and/or societal penalty for non-conformity.  

    Formal Social Control breaks down. They fallback on Informal Social Control to forge a more binding and oppressive Uniformal Social Control. This had its start long before the example given in the video below. On Sept. 15 blog below I wrote of Uniformal Social Control in the context of Gangsterism. Gangsterism I posit as a legitimate form of government, in that like formal government, it is contingent on physical force as in the gun, for the cop so  it enforces as same for the gangster and racketeer.

       But as both Chaos and Complexity merge to form creation, so the Laws and government and Social Agencies outside the formal control of laws and government do seem to co-exist as two however opposing entities prop up against each other as support. For in contest never does one gain full dominance over the other.

     And situations can arise, that conflict with social forces within and without the formalized laws, And then one is alone, truly the ancient legal definition of Outlaw, in pre-modern societies legal protection is withdrawn from one who any and every person has the legal right to persecute or kill. But of course, the formal social forces will assure such outlaw status is no longer applicable in the modern world. Yet one so stigmatized as Outlaw does find with informal social forces the sanction to be persecuted or killed....with no objection from the law or government, which contrary to the beliefs of many, does not hold responsibility for anyone's safety and welfare. One so marked to be done away with..the police have within their rights not to render protection.

     As in my case, for the police, withdrawing would-be protection would be in their self-interest, as to decide to let the peoples decide my fate...But as one who told so to the peoples that the police were in error to accuse..or let accuse..things through the years got very askew and very bloodied..a number who died for no reason other than the errors of police and the peoples of a number of I was apt to travel in years past.

       And how did others die if I was the source regarding such error? Here and there it is part and parcel to this blog. As society's rule is if denied or thwarted from one venue, they will always take another however arbitrary venue. I suppose for those unfortunates I owe a semi-confession as to why they would otherwise have died without a name.  --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016 Denison, Tx

roaddogking: Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger ...

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