Saturday, December 10, 2016

                                The True Reason and Cost of Public Education As  Example Given;

     See below video, the No Child Left Behind crowd I believe this is. The idea of pushing airheads into college degrees can be found in the novel Grapes of Wrath; plenty of crops to harvest, so advertise to get plenty of workers, who will out-strip the demand as being the would-be supply of labor, so they could pay lower wages.

      The more and more college degree white-collar workers means a greater supply of white collar workers competing for jobs, which means otherwise higher paying professions, can be paid lower wages and benefits to the plentiful supply of white collar labor.

       And guess who pays this expense so Business and Industry can cut their expenses to gain greater net profit? Taxpayers funding Public Education; taxpayers, working for lower wages sending their kids to school, to train for jobs which will pay them lower wages, as college - oriented public education trains workers for lower paying jobs; and as there is a greater supply than demand for higher paying jobs, means more workers to compete for the lower paying jobs of flipping burgers and working at Wal-Mart, which means paying them lower wages.   ---- Diogenes Ltd.

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