Wednesday, December 7, 2016

                                                                   Going Vegan;
                            Because if I can't do the job, then I should not have it done for me.

      Horrific video I just posted on my Facebook, made me go vegan. Thing is, I am not opposed per se to meat eating and the slaughter it entails. Nature is after all eat and be eaten in the Circle of Life. But if I could not myself slaughter pigs the way as what was shown in the video, then I have no business eating them or expecting others to do what I could not do to have to feed myself.

       No I could not be like this so-called pacifist in an OP-ED in the local paper who opposed warfare but she did "Support Our Troops". In other words, "I would not get my hands bloodied but I am willing to pay others with my tax dollars to do it for me" That is like the AC/DC song Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap;   You got a lady and you want her gone/But you ain't got the guts...Trust me, if my wife drove me any further nuts, no one would do the job for me that I would relish doing..okay she is not that bad...but I make my point  -- Diogenes Ltd.

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