Saturday, December 10, 2016

                                                     The  Designated Victim;
                        Dixiecrats, White Trash, Jesus the Billy Goat and Shit Downhill On
                         The God That Failed

        The ancient maxim of regimes and despots; Divide to Conquer, to Keep Conquered Keep Divided - you will find it as far back as in Chapter 11 of the Book of Genesis.
    So what does this have to do with Jesus? Like the Negros blamed for a decline in the commodities market [ see blog Dec. 12 blog above], Jesus was blameless for ALL the sins of the world and hence took All the shit because being the perfect man he could only die for imperfection based on the Hebrew tribal ritual sacrifice and scapegoating.

        The Scapegoat, the term used for Jews in the Nazi Era, or immigrants currently in the USA under President-elect Trump; was, in ancient times, a literal goat. The Hebrew tribe would 'scape all their wrongs and misfortune unto the hapless four-legged horned domesticated mammal, and drive it out into the desert to wander about then die.

       Then there was the  blood sacrifice, the lamb or other livestock offered up to a god as he commanded. Under Old Testament law it was to be prime stock and unblemished. None of these sickly cows or one-legged  roosters would do. Only the very best in show as far as a sacrifice would do for Yahweh.

         Jesus was then to be both the unblemished lamb of god, offered up to god and to be heaped and 'scaped with ALL the sins of the world so that Man could be born-again and dead to sin. Even as Man continued to sin.

       And why not sin and sin again? Because if I go about debauching and fornicating, all I have to do to steer clear of the morning after is to heap and 'scape it all on a blameless animal, who being an animal, would be without blame, or sin, as much as Jesus was. Like every time I fart I blame my wife who made no such noise, not then anyway.

        That is why Jesus was The God That Failed. Christ being divine and perfect was no more an improvement over the innocent animal whose blood was shed for what ever barbarism perpetuated by a blood spilling peoples who purged as a routine for what ever abomination they felt they were burdened by.

         No, the Negro Problem was not in proportion to a bust in cotton prices; Marxists could do nothing about your shitty job that was meaningless and which you held no capital in, other than to rob the Capitalists of their capital and make them do the same shitty and meaningless job that the worker  still would hold no capital in; However pure-blooded the Aryan would be, the peckerwoods would remain in the trailer park and county jail while the blue-blooded with their family crest and lineage would dine in their exclusive clubs boring each other to death.

          And when all the Mexicans and Muslims are deported the Redneck will still work his ass off to pay taxes to pay the government to deport all the Mexicans and Muslims. Not to mention still paying for the  food stamps for the other non-white peoples.

           And Jesus sacrificed on a cross did not do jack to save you from the consequences of a DUI or a bout of sexually transmitted disease. And the Kingdom of Heaven? Have you ever wonder why a god who created the heavens and the earth; stars, moons, planets, galaxies; light travelling 15 billions years to Earth based telescopes - a bit longer than six thousand years according to creationists - would be placated by a dumb animal offered up for atonement and redemption? Like the virgins sacrifice to a volcano -- what fucking good would a virgin, or not a virgin, do to please molten lava?  -- copyright Diogenes Ltd.




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