Tuesday, January 31, 2017

                                            See Below Video; Befouled I Am And Why
                                                There Can Never Be A Good Solution
                                        The Error of The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

     Yesterday, even as a reflex action,  I signed an on-line petition, to be directed at the Turkish Embassy here in America, calling for stronger punishment for such crimes, other than just the $1,000 fine these two had to pay.

     Now I see the futility, as such acts are legion. As a given when I googled on YouTube, for purposes of this blog, such acts are multiplied from around the world, and here in our region, on social media. And some how worse, some how better; that which no one thought to upload unto social media.

      We can assume those at the Turkish Embassy are decent, honorable people, no doubt sickened by what was done. And maybe, as in the USA, Turkish police keep files on those who are cruel to animals as, more often than not, such pieces of shit, unfortunately of our genus and species,  are known to graduate to serial killing and rape.

       Because, as the cretinous faces show clearly, the only solution is to wipe such greasy spots off the face of existence. And while I would be happy to even give a donation to help pay for disposing this garbage, that would be lacking as a practical solution.

        As Charles IX, king of France, initiated what would be called The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, which killed as many as 50,000 Protestants, because of an off-hand remark. Reluctant to sanctioning the assassination of 5 prominent Huguenot leaders. But due to be worn down by his advisers pushing for a green light, King Charles IX gave in, unfortunately he added " If you must kill the admiral, then so be it! But if that is the case, then you will have to kill every Huguenot in France.."

        So what was meant to be but a selective series of targeted killings would, given the divine right of kings whose words were as mighty as god, turned into a nation-wide carnage. Which history shows turned out to be counter-productive.

        As my inbox fills with emails from worthy organizations with their $5 and $10 requests which would leave me broke just to donate to but a small portion of them. Or like the Vietnam War, They could and did kill over a million, but there were Orientals to take their place to fight again another day.

         Eradicating these two slime balls, below in the video, would mean you would have to eradicate them all. And that is neither feasible or acceptable. But there is one thing about incarceration, which the two did not have to face. It does discourage breeding.  -- Diogenes Ltd.




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