Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

                                            Lament of the Road Dog Who Would Be King

      As a king of the road on West Elm, frankly it sucks. Some years ago a rapo-family working for the city moved on the block, and encouraged his rapo pals to do the same. Denison Police are as worthless as fly-fucking, except for pulling over traffic violations looking for a contact high. Now the police have been neutralized and no longer a concern.  But as Henry David Thoreau put it " Possessions are more easily acquired than gotten rid of" ; especially as a home owner. So I sit on a garbage can lid as a throne just to contain it.

       In Boston MA it was my fellow crew members at the labor pool. Same story in Fort Lauderdale FLA. In Galveston TX it was the children and adolescents at the Mary Moody North Pavilion psych -unit where I worked as a porter/floor tech. At a local restaurant here in Denison TX it was the pretty little waitresses. But now, on Social Security Disability, my income for my daily bread is not affected one iota by the Aryan Brotherhood peckerwoods and the goonies that keep them on retainer.

       Although they do play the foo fighters waving their dick around for the abused whores and their misguided and misbegotten children, in order that their superiority be known to all the 9 - to 5'ers in need of job security.  -- Diogenes Ltd.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

                                              In Defense of the Decadent Aristocracy,
                                                Against the Degenerate Lower Tiers

     I wonder if rich people get irritated when affluent Democrats always whine about tax cuts for the wealthy, and how the rich should pay more to the IRS. I would assume they would think, and how does that benefit the poor who are subject to the same tax code?

      Now me, having paid a zero net sum in federal, state and local  taxes for 14 years running, including the time I spent in a federal prison, fed and housed by the taxpayers. I would not be one to bitch about taxation of any form because I no longer pay into any net revenues in any form of taxation. But when I did work a regular job with a temp. agency and paid taxes, I had a rebuttal letter to a local attorney published in the Herald Democrat as what if someone's money was his and not the government's?

      His basic beef was over his clients, who had it easy off daddy's money and got to play and go to rehab while he had to sweat for living.  His daddy should have told him what my daddy told me; that life isn't fair and people in hell want ice water- and what you do if you had a big problem?

      My issue is, what are real needs and hardship? As opposed to the desires, even lusts, to max out their credit cards basking in material glory? Because the rich can pay for luxuries and pleasures with their chuck change, that the middle and lower class have to earn so much per hour to shop  in order to buy and buy, and allot so much for lotto tickets.

       When disability allowed me to take instead of being taken from governments to fund all their pork barrels, and injustices, oppression and insanity and inanity they collect in revenues to secure their steady ill-gotten gainful employment, here in the USA and abroad. I no longer had to cover the expense to work. What stood out to the mostly blue-collar neighbors, I did not have a car.

        The Big, Bad Pyramid written by Karl Roebling, which given the copy right permission I may re-print in my blogs some day. A sociological essay on the power structure and, to put it simply, how historically and in modern times shit runs downhill.  But at least since the Industrial and then the Green Revolutions, in today's economic world we really have far, far less people who must eat shit to literally survive.

          So my advice about shit running downhill; don't stand downhill. There is a reason that Fifty Shades of Grey, about a billionaire's play-pen was a best seller. If it had been a tale of the grocery store manager, it would just be another hard-core fuck book. That the author would be lucky  to make enough money on it to pay the light bill or score an eight-ball of tweak    --- Diogenes Ltd.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                          Happy St. Pat's Day                                                         ...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

roaddogking:                                            Conspir...

roaddogking:                                            Conspir...:                                            Conspiracy Theory: Divide to Conquer,                                              To Keep Conqu...

Saturday, February 4, 2017

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                          Happy St. Pat's Day                                                         ...

On Thoughts of Murder to The State: roaddogking:                                      ...

On Thoughts of Murder to The State: roaddogking:                                      ...: roaddogking:                                            [Reprin... :                                            [Reprinted from Feb. 28 2016...