Saturday, February 25, 2017

                                            Lament of the Road Dog Who Would Be King

      As a king of the road on West Elm, frankly it sucks. Some years ago a rapo-family working for the city moved on the block, and encouraged his rapo pals to do the same. Denison Police are as worthless as fly-fucking, except for pulling over traffic violations looking for a contact high. Now the police have been neutralized and no longer a concern.  But as Henry David Thoreau put it " Possessions are more easily acquired than gotten rid of" ; especially as a home owner. So I sit on a garbage can lid as a throne just to contain it.

       In Boston MA it was my fellow crew members at the labor pool. Same story in Fort Lauderdale FLA. In Galveston TX it was the children and adolescents at the Mary Moody North Pavilion psych -unit where I worked as a porter/floor tech. At a local restaurant here in Denison TX it was the pretty little waitresses. But now, on Social Security Disability, my income for my daily bread is not affected one iota by the Aryan Brotherhood peckerwoods and the goonies that keep them on retainer.

       Although they do play the foo fighters waving their dick around for the abused whores and their misguided and misbegotten children, in order that their superiority be known to all the 9 - to 5'ers in need of job security.  -- Diogenes Ltd.

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