Sunday, December 20, 2015

                                     THE LEVELLER;  Intro the DIGGER DOG
                                 copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2015

                                                                                                Sunday of December; 20 - 2015

              This is but a brief and abridged introduction to my blog, which is as now just came into the cyber realm as this early am of 12/20/2015. I have only been on-line for three years, in just recent months I began to exploit the social media of DISQUS, Tumblr, Google +, YouTube Channel and the other day, Facebook.

                My apologies in advance as my computer operator skills and expertise are but barely functional. I imagine I will learn more of what is needed for here, as I learned most of everything important in and of my life; by trial and error. I must have learned enough of a plus sized on the knowledge else I could not be alive today as is. Or maybe it was just luck, that random acts for fools and sages.

               My Socio-Economic political worldview is Thoreauvian and Individualist Anarchist. As an anarchist and an Individualist the only way to counteract The State and it's churches and society, is to not allow it to have any real power over you. Anarchism is achieved when one by his own volition does not fight The State, he merely allows it over him NO Authority.

              I consider Naturalism as the Alpha and Omega of Spirituality and Philosophy, as they are separated in the Western Thought. But I here am like those of the Eastern World whose Philosophy is the same as the Spiritual thought, or religion if you prefer.

             Naturalism is what is basically accessible to observation of and of it the world and cosmos in itself. The idea of Heaven or Hell belongs nowhere in this cannon of thought because IF even  as a given allow a Kingdom of Heaven to toss pearls to swine, pearls beyond price is still but slop to a flock of swine who would devour greedily, but would just pass it through to poop in the sty and have derived for the pig as the faithful no value as a nutrient. As I heard a fundamentalist preacher once say "..A born again turkey is still a turkey.'

               And I must be an apologist to the livestock swine of Hog, to be the animal metaphor for human waste and degeneracy. For pigs are in fact very intelligent animals, who if left to their own instinct, live a quite clean and healthful life. But as pork product are forced into a wallow of servitude in slop and filth in an enclosed sty. As to say I think we know who the real "Pigs" are.

             Years ago a friend a mine objected to compare people to animals. As he noted the difference between by accident, walking through the woods, to stumble upon a defensive wild mama cat with her newborn kittens. And to contrast the "human" mother, then on trial for murder of her infant, hearing that enough chili powder stuffed in the mouth of a screaming and malnourished brat would quiet it. She was sentenced to seven years. She would have maxed out in 2012 from the Texas State Prisons, free to breed more unfortunate offspring.

              Environmentalism as a cause for crisis, as epitomized as global warming, is where you find the worst of politics. Where ever global climate deniers invoke science as the same as evolution deniers they demonstrate no knowledge of how Science works, and what Science can say as certainty; as to what Science is limited as to variables that can not be known or calculated in advance.

             Whether preacher or republican the idea for them of Science, to speak as authority for their team, calls to mind the dissenting experts as Professor on Gilligan's Island.

            That I agree of global warming that it is of overriding man made factors and The world over is heading into the next century as the Sixth Great Extinction.  The Fifth Great Extinction occurred 65 million years ago. I think something that happens only a number of score of 10's of millions of years may override the otherwise boon of Smithian Economics which does proves itself  out in the long run of centuries.

             But it has been noted a grove of oaks trees will grow so dense and thick as to shut out the sunlight needed for its own seedlings from the ground surrounding to thrive. And such is the climax then decline of an otherwise thriving oak grove.

             And to note I despise most of what is the government of and on Democracy;  the sway of opinion polls and what the demographics is supposed to be for the typical 2.5 American -- I support conservation and environmental concerns  and animal rights to even a fault on the side of caution and concern - I support abortion rights and pro-gun rights as saying even now they are too restrictive in Texas or Arizona. As for prayer in public schools;  if your, any one of the gods, is so weak a deity that S/He-IT-They would need a school board or city council or Appeals Court to allow this god to omnipotent and omniscient. You  may have made then a poor choice in faith in this Supreme Being.

            I have refused to sign up for Obama Care from the very beginning to this date. Because 15% of the US population had no heath insurance? To me that 85% did is a good thing not bad.

           I would outlaw capital punishment even though some people do indeed and should die for crimes so heinous it would be even in the best interest of the condemned. However as the  body of Law & Order as is; to be given such a weighty responsibility, should be so no more than you would want me to fix your car brakes, as I am  clumsy just working a Phillip screwdriver.

           I would legalize all and any use of drugs because even in worse case of legalization of meth and/or heroin; the problems that would or at most could occur would be trifles to the cost of the legal and taxed substances of tobacco and alcohol.

           And to me the most sinister word, as Orwellian as the term 'politically correct' is;  the trendy buzz-of Income Inequality. It sounds so but a math equation, in need of a rigid add to add number to solve equals sum to solve a global problem, does it not?

           Since the start of the Green Revolution from the 1960's, world wide starvation and malnourished peoples have been cut in actual numbers of, more than half what  it was but thirty years ago. The Standard of Living is globally overall, at an all time historic high, and no sign of reversing course.

           So obviously, as a problem that seems at least to be working its way out of, the well-meaning intentions and its Road to Hell must fix the problem with declaring the world crisis of "income inequality".

          Not that you do not have only what to live on, you are as entitled as peon as any prince, to a cell phone and twitter and soon enough, as is in the slums of India, maybe  someday sewage systems with the cell phones in hand of every slum dweller in India as they lack basic sanitation facilities as more often is the case in the slums of India to date. Yes, one does imagine selfies taken while squatting to defecate in a gutter at the back doors of Asian slums.

          Like the old stand by; Tax the Rich, more and more. And that is to how.. the poor people are going to pay Less Taxes?

          That this moment the wealthy are enjoying their ill-gotten but legal return on their investment. So if they make more money, that is their own money, and doesn't belong to a government. But how even so, does the fact the government is taxing the richest money, is to call into questions,  Uncle Sam swiped a bigger piece of the fat cat pie is automatically as a boost to anyone of the ghetto?

           Rob from the Rich to Give to Middle Ages Poor? In reality the Sheriff of Nottingham was not a tax collector but a game warden. But I'll save that for another day of my new blog.  --
                              copyright 2015 - Diogenes Ltd. revised copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd. revised copyright 2017 Diogenes Ltd.; excepting all videos which are of the exclusive ownership of their producers


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