Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday of December, 22 2015

Happy Winter Solstice,

What follows for today's;  is of particular example of the kind of rationalization I despise.

And it could be no more prominent, that as a Son of the South, I consider the type of American Literature that is especially associated what the Segregated South was;  is called in the publishing as a quasi-genre the 'sugar britches' Lit.

Like once, just flipping through the pages of a college volume of literature, I happened upon reading of the first section of the Glass Menagerie.

 Tom Wingfield's mom, after Tom comes home from a hard day at work,  she is ragging him over him drinking a beer. And he is the only one working in that house as the sole support of his mother and his crippled sister; and he has his mother ragging him about a beer after a hard day at work? 

My mother would know better than to do something like that when I did not have a job.

And To Kill A Mockingbird. Now I must be clear I never read the book, I just seen the movie a couple of times in my life.  So I quote as this line came up as a subject in a previous conversation, Atticus Finch is telling his boy of how he wished to take all the suffering and evils from the world so his boy would never have to ..?..

Now wait a minute, we will ignore the ridiculous proposition that what is the idea of God Himself never takes or took all the sufferings and evils from the world for whatever may be good reasons for a God to not to..

But maybe that was the problem there for the mindset of the genteel folk of the South regarding Segregation, because they could not erase or overthrow the greater evils of mankind in one fell swoop..they would and could compromise and even "..accept the unacceptable.." because they did not have to be decent people because every one else  and/or enough people was already not even  themselves bothered being a jerk.

So if every one is a jerk. In that case I'll be a jerk. I can pass for a jerk; even if I wanted and was inclined to be a nice guy.

That is what I have as  for sometime,  I have learned to despise about the concept of universal sin and  ' Judge Not Lest YE Be Judged. That is what I regard as cowardice and  compromise to evil in itself, inherent in Christianity.

Whether you are a firm believer in the deity of Jesus that is not to be questioned. Or he was just another another preacher of semi-legend status. What was good of this teachings of Jesus, not original and already universal; but still there must be a better use for such a Christ rather  to be executed as a sacrifice to take away the sins and  bestow the salvation on all mankind due to the universal sin of all Men.

And as they always say of " ..A sin is a sin.."  as to absolve themselves of being  free and moral agents.

So I may lust at the neighbor's wife in my heart, but more in a porno- state of mind.

But that is a far cry from needing a restraining order from the court of law.

As my Dad himself use to say " Not creed but deed. " 

----------- David, the digger dog of copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.

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