Sunday, December 27, 2015

                                                   THE   LEVELLER
                                                  Intro The Digger Dog

                                            Sunday of December, 27 of 2015

                                   "  ...When an Acorn and a Chestnut fall side by side.."
                                                                 I & II

I  ----

The Mechanismi;   Rise of the Machines, The actual programming for in the year of 1833 AD

     In the first grade at a Saginaw TX elementary school, less than six months before a move into the city of and school district of Fort Worth TX; was marked by the "Time Out" for me and a few fellow first graders. We thought our game of rough and tumble could be  enhanced by make believe sword fights; which our belts, from our britches, where taken off as to swing at each other as if to parody corporal punishment. For the few minutes of sanctioned "Time Out" we discussed the rumors that the principal had a mechanical paddling machine.

     And my consistent grade of F in Art, when I could not even seem to bother to want to color within the lines. Then began the Dark Times at some point at the the close of the first grade when we moved to the bigger city of the Fort Worth Independent School District. I realized, as I had a Saginaw Public Library card since I was in Kindergarten. That the First Grader Reader was for me, been there done that. And that was in the first grade as I was to realize I was proscribed twelve years of involuntary servitude, from childhood until I reached the age of eighteen.

    And when I just turned 18, the age to legally buy and have legal possession of alcohol, the legal drinking age was raised to 21 years  old.

    So defined Public Education as to make us as "Tools of Our Tools".  As noted by the of the first critics of Progress, Henry David  Thoreau. And why the undeniable of the Smithian Economy, as well it so was self-evident as to be the essence of the Industrial Revolution.  As to say the proof of vitality of the one, was the proof of certainty of the other.

    The very strongest of the species' now has become so accelerated as the dinosaurs who are quoted about that "....they got all fat and died..". Ennui and over exploitation is eating up all the Natural Resources of the Earth.  As growth can often  by the success of its vitality become a far too good thing to be too much a boom to exhaust itself to a crash.
        In 1833 the laws were established in England and America for the foundation of Public Education. Formalized schooling to program machines to teach schooled aged children to work under supervision and scheduling and compliance to mechanical systems that that are and were as a collective mechanisms;  hence Mechanismi.

           The concept of computers;  of an  idea of a complicated abacus were only of a mechanical devices devoid of a semi-conductors and/or electronics, and still not as cerebral as a snail darter.

          And the X-factor of kids, who could never seem to bother ado to color within the lines, The barriers o to draw to specifications, of what the clown is to be colored as. And fill in the said area within the lines as to the color that is assigned to the tasks.... ---- Copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.

                II - Here now defined ; Animal,   Mechanismi,   Livestock,   Peoples who are fuel/food,  Human

         I never really had the idea of a society as a machine. Too monolithic, one stamped out to fit all sizes for all times and places. A caste system where even uppity untouchables can only know the caste system.

          I am more of a loose-knitted even organic eco-techno systems to evolve and grow out and away as yet coordinated but with out any one but a many to overlap and interlock into multiple systems.   Hence a Socio-Economic collective society defined here as ; Mechanismi.

     ----    Animals -- here we just confine ourselves to the mammals. Swine and dogs, cats, whales and dolphins, goats and more goats, and cows and horses.

      -----   Livestock -- they are only for the meat on their bones. For pleasure and profit and/or cannon fodder. Their very existence is only to gauge by the value of the meat they pack for and of.

       -----  Peoples who are fuel/food -- The consumer-bots and the worker-drones. They sweat from even pre-school through the sunset of their golden years. They toil for the fruits of labor, to work to have  the time to enjoy consumption of them; until to be put out to pasture after a lifetime of toil. To toil to consume so as to toil and consume more; to toil to fuel and feed and consume as a system  for a socio-economic synergetic body.

        ----  Human  -- That species ' to only know, or learn to know, of a life of freedom won already at birth. The Mechanismi is to be evaded and/or surpassed. Even to its decay and ruin and wreckage of all its structures of peoples who serve as fuel/food for consumption and for livestock. Human is to be defined as life forms not to be defined by the limitations or constraints of compliance, as would be ordered by the Mechanismi,  as to support the livestock and the peoples who are fuel/food for consumption.

                ---------------------- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


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