Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                                 The Leveller;   intro The Digger Dog

                                    Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                             Speaking Truth of Power to the Powerless

  March 15, 1988 - exit Boston MA.    PBS  I   May 2001 -  Lum & Morton is to West Berry and University.

                         " But sometimes a fool gets lucky and wins/Sometimes the innocent pay/ for an old man's sin"                --- Patty Smythe Scandal

        " We practice annihilation of mayors and government officials to create a vacuum as popular war advances Peace is closer..." [?! - Orwellian!?]

                  -- quoted in song Civil War,   Guns N Roses

          "... Skynet is the virus!.." - John Connor,   Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

Spoiler Alert - what follows is called in the publishing business the Hook. If you have by happenstance stumbled upon this while sauntering the cyber-realm, and it holds neither interest or currency for you, pass by it knowing that probably says something positive about yourself.

All others may feel free to post comments.

                   Picture yourself the cop on the case from out of town. What town may be a question of, who is person of interest. They would be kids in the Denison Independent School District now in Middle or High School. They would have been elementary students at the now demolished Layne School on Layne and Washington st. in Denison TX, from the years of 2006 through 2012.

                  Flash your badge to some of these kids, and ask them about the neighbor who was known to write poetry when "drunk"; that is what the teachers said, anyway, of him. They knew him as "Dog". A rather unpleasant individual, almost always seen about walking his dog. He had been known having owned in a ten span three dogs and for years was known as the guy always walking the dog.

                  On September 7, 2006; off the corner of 800 N. Layne and at the intersection of 2800 West Elm st.  A sphere of influence was established to work a control over the children of Denison TX who attended Layne Elementary School. As that Dension Public School security system went into complete failure as in crash and burn.

                 First Denison Independent School District faculty, then Grayson County Law Enforcement and in turn to finally the US Department of Justice as was presented by the FBI out of Charlotte NC.  Have been deadlocked into a stalemate, at the mercy of criminal gangs and madmen weighing out their private agendas.

                 AKA Dog:  FBOP inmate # 11031 - 031, outside of a sacked and creative use for air freshener as a buttplug.   A teddy bear, some FBI profiler said symbolized personally for Dog the child he could not save; as attached to it a cypher but was well understood by those who knew of retired FBI Special Agent Buck Revell of the Dallas FBI office in 1992:     29BuckyR19   Timex  10 - 6 -03

                  As the out of town cop, you know inmate # 11031- 078  AKA Dog is no Boo Radley. As Dog had been known to have walked away from the scene of one or two cold cases. And the life lesson the children would learn from the drunken poetry, as shoplifting in a gang, use the black kids as a "stall". Mall cops and Store managers will zero in on nappy headed black kids ready to ponce on them at the first sign of the five fingered discount, the white kids meanwhile boost all the good stuff to steal as the White Security fears the Black Breach thereof.  

                   Memeplex was a concept, that as a program was well thought out in the years before the internet and the world wide web.  It would be difficult for then even an intelligent layman to fully understand its implications.

         But in today's world, in part to the Rise of the Machines scenerio as a popular Sci-fi movie, the line by the character in Terminator 3; John Connor   " ..Skynet is the virus.."   this conception is readily comprehended by a movie audience.

          On December 31, 2004, about 12:00 pm. I was hung over from the previous night of drinking, and caught a city bus in Fort Worth Texas, to self-surrender at the Federal Medical Center of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. To serve a sentence I copped a plea to 21 months, minus 15% off good time - they do not have parole in the federal system. If I had not lost any "good time" I would have been released from prison, to serve out three years of supervised release, on June 30, 2006. Then my supervised released would have ended July 2 2009. This was my first convicted felony offense. I was assigned, as would be always if I ever returned to the federal system, the BOP # 11031 - 031.

             Unit Case Manager B. Meharey, who had a body that conjured up causes for train wrecks, describe me as a "good inmate" on October 4, 2005; as to my agitated state of mind. Even as a fellow inmate, a youngster out of Fort Lauderdale, we called him  "Dirty", asked me,  "What are you getting so worked up for Homey?..it was just a shank.."

                It was a Thursday morning on September 29 2005. Three cellis from the unit range 8, myself,  John Browning,   Lonnie "Joe" Hodges, and Richard Chambers were sent to the Special Housing Unit, "the hole" , pending investigation of a homemade weapon "  a shank"   found in the white pillowcase of Richard Chambers by Correction Officer Jeff Shanks - yes, Shanks  "found" a "shank"  - that it was a white pillowcase was very important. Because for what ever reason Hodges had a green pillow case and my white pillowcase could not be the white pillow case which was Chambers' because my white pillowcase was left on the bed with the pillow gone.

               Of the three man cell;  total four pillows, two pillows were Hodges, confiscated, 2 pillow cases. one white, one green, Hodges himself later that morning of September 29, made a point to me that his was the green pillow case. My white pillowcase was left behind on my bunk as the other two pillowcases were taken into confiscation along with all four pillows of the three cellis bound for the SHU on September 29 2005, already had triggered to me, the word trigger itself is a psychological term - of the date September 29 1984 - 21 years ago to that date of, a Mississippi girl in Fort Worth TX, whose cold case was noted by the total dick head she was having sex with the night she was last seen alive.

               On October 4, Tuesday, 2005 all three of us were released from the SHU all charges dropped and investigation by SIS Lt. Hopkins was concluded. All records of the investigation and incident were destroyed. Including all three --- personal property of not subject to confiscation according to the FBOP regulations -- all three inmate copies confiscated and destroyed of that incident report. As I stated CO Jeff Shanks account of his "shakedown" was bogus as did not occur in the range 8 cell " .While conducting a shakedown ..a pillow in the common area of the room.." was more like downstairs in the CO office.

                But after  October 5, 2005;  "good inmate" turned into the prime evil of a "Cool Hand Luke"..as to again because people really like to believe they are better than they really are. And people like me take great pleasure pointing up fools whose public image they will pimp their bones and flesh for.

                I was released on July 30 2006, with a loss of good time for not " Not cooperating with programs " and the charge of "Insolence". Almost a month more to serve. On November 21, 2006, I was taken into custody by US Marshals, to remain in custody until I maxxed out on July 30. 2009. One of the US Marshal said that day of Nov. 21 2006 I " ..fucked with their power.." I served out on a violation and no criminal charges to a probation violation that ordinarily would mean for three years supervised release would be served out a 18 months to be free and clear. Nov 21. 2006 to July 30 2009, under three year  to serve. The total time served for my criminal conviction, was to be 18 months + about 1 month for a loss of good time more to serve for a crime of violence. 19 months for a crime of violence.

          Two years and about 8 months for " .. fucking with their power.." as to say I pissed people off because although the child I did not save.   But one I did. As for the Oxford MS family said by the soldier as an officer in the National Guard up in Boston MA. in 1988, to be inquiring minds then.

           Maybe the soldier in question should remember my friends in Boston then who were vets, peacetime and Vietnam. To ponder the meaning broader than just GI  benefits and./or questions beyond military service or not. The following lyrics from the band Big Country, as all of American Cunts can suck me to realize by way of song what critical flaw you made in claim of knowledge, how defined your cartoon version of psychology as it never mattered anyway since such were trash to begin with.. as you stay up on your car payments and Sunday School never taught you things like how any sugar-britches version of a Boo Radley could ever learn to kill so well, as if trash like that could ever be of consequences to white folks even those DOA or cold cased...

                                   If I die in a combat zone/ box me up and ship me home/ - -- If I die and still come home/ bury me [2 or her 3] where the rose is sown.

PBS -- guess which of two of the three were  army vets?. wasn't Patricia. 3 dogs down. Any one bitch enough to take out the 4th piece of trash?  Maybe you mistook kindness as weakness for the flesh and bones of your pimped,  -- MOTHER  -- dear?  -- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


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