Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                                       Leveller the Digger Dog ; to be continued........
                                               December 29, 2015

           "Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. "
                                               --- Walden.  Henry David Thoreau

          Why I would prefer to call my brand of Anarchism just Thoreauvian Philosophy. Not that this philosophy was new and or unique to Thoreau. The earliest and most notable such philosophy would be called, in the definition I would call a Leveller, - after the political and social movements of the historic era in England of the Levelers and the Diggers.

          But the most still well known and in today's world still some how obscured; was the leading light of the minority number;  indeed Diogenes was a contemporary and arch-rival of  the majority-rule Plato. Diogenes and the generations to follow of the Cynics  were still as a school of philosophy maintained through the decline of the Roman Empire.

          Cynic in its origin of word simply translates as best as dog, dog like. Far removed from today's use of the word cynical.  However revealing such as viewpoint would be to the true cynics. Like business owners who always invoke god and country to sell cars or Bar - B - Que ribs.

         Reminds me of a Sherman business owner who operated a self-serve car wash and incorporated on his business store front-sign  a bible verse on the subject of baptism. He sold out his business and skipped town owing a friend of mine a months' wages for the part time job he did for this self-served car wash cleaning up the place for a couple of hours every day. My friend never did collect his back wages.

        To any philosophy 101 student who would think, as a child of the Western Christian Civilization, That Plato sounds a great deal like what Jesus taught and died for. That is because, what ever the debate of what Jesus said and/or did, whether it be of a believer or a skeptic, is as inseparable from the philosophy of Plato that there is no practical reason to distinguish between the two.

         Anymore than to distinguish that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone because Bell beat out, by the clock, securing the patent to from another inventor, separate and unknown to they were at the time to each other, as they both developed the same device.

           One interesting note about Christianity, as children of a Catholic family, my sister and I were amused by the Baptist kids down the block who believed Catholics were all into kissing the feet of the statue of the Virgin Mary. A bit exaggerated but even as  youngsters. we could understand this protestant aversion to what is in fact the Virgin Mary as a fertility goddess figure; heathen idol indeed as she is prominent in especially in Catholic cathedrals presented in adored statue forms.

           Most Protestants do not think anymore of the virgin birth than what was prophesy in Isaiah. Except that belief is in error for both Christian and Catholics, the Book of Isaiah said nothing of a virgin birth. Some editions of the bible that is are use by a number of protestant denominations use a translation of the book of Isaiah which the word is "maiden", the Hebrew word for "girl". Which contains no contains no implication of being a  virgin or not.

           It is actually believed by most historians that this mis-translation was not willful but in fact could well have been an honest mistake, translating the Hebrew into Greek, by who ever was the unknown scribe in question.

          And centuries would pass still before even to bother to note this error that would have the rosary chanted by innumerable Catholics for almost a thousand years.

           This digression is to illustrate what is at the base and most fundamental conflict in World Views that is to decide even the most critical factors of both in the Cold War:  where Nuclear Options were the last days of life as we knew  --  we all would be dead  --  was a political and military contingency.

         And today's Realpolitik where Science as mathematical models are warped to the ends of those who say factors that are as subject to uncertainty by definition; one can postulate trends on what is best or most available data, is only what can be worked with, the data at hand means how well can the research product can be by the best of class researchers.

          Would mean if it snows unseasonable in Miami in February one day out of a century. Means climate change or global warming is as bunk and pseudo-science as the Darwinian notion of Apes evolving from Man.

 The Opinion piece of such overthrow of Dark Age nonsense will have as its advocated a syndicated columnist published nation wide; a newsman who has a bachelor's degree in English to his scientific background in formal education.

          And no more nonsense of a Great Global Extinction in the next two centuries, the last such was 65 million years ago.

         To nay-say  the self-evident success of Smithian Economics. Of rising prosperity for all as the standard of living increases as means and distribution of goods and services becomes more efficient and cheaper - by the way, contrary to College 101, Marxism says the same thing as did Adam Smith. Only in Communism the Capitalist Overlords are now just your equals, as they too must work the same shitty job packaging boxes on the assembly line in the workers'  paradise.

           No money for a tenured professor to think:n what if the bosses and the workers all got equality in saying "fuck this.. let's go down to the river and go fishing, but that would just be another excuse to drink beer? " ...fishing is so boring you have to be buzzed to enjoy it by the river, or pond or lake.. creek.. from a gold fish bowl.  And the old boys at that fishing camp always made fun at the Ivy League Academic anyway.

         Climate Deniers are the Platos, who as Plato was the arch-rival of Diogenes, as they both lived and philoso -fied in the same city, at odds with each other together. Plato is the one to say Science proves Apes did Not evolve from Man - contrary to 99% of all other scientists.

         Diogenes, the leading light of the Cynics, as a Thoreauvian in Concord MA.,  told Wendy the prostitute that  "Of course, its a real $20 dollar bill. See how it is printed? IN GOD WE TRUST. It's old money, that is why the bill is dubious looking. Just well-worn, but legit to do business." Wendy was going down the road to score us a quarter ounce of weed.

         We knew Wendy could be trusted and not burn us. She was a whore but an honest whore. Some say she got religion, born again, baptised into the holy, and somewhere interstate some one cut her throat open. But for those of John 3:16 she has it much better than the Cynic/Thoreauvian as today in 2015.

           As of late, first with my wife, now to all women, the word   "bitch"   is applicable.  Mitigating circumstances are when they are too stupid to know better, then they are merely a   "stupid bitch"   who is of a collective designed to piss me off and/or subject me to a stress level in danger to my already as is defective heart.

          Not Heart as metaphor but the one that if jack-knifed can kill me. It did my thirty-five year old nephew in Chicago just a few months ago.

          He never smoked, did no drugs, did not even like to drink. And never had the misfortune of being tied to one woman no more than 2-3 years, that girl name of Jenny, now lives in NYC.

          My nephew still had an inherited family trait, plus way too fond of foods like Pasta, Pizzas and delis; and as what the menu offers in the way that makes Chicago famous for its delis....And I survived a steady supply of Breaking Bad quality meth in the 1980's?  and now smoke more than I use to..?

           And as a bitch or three live by the misfortune that may come what may to me in bad news. Bitch is the correct term for a female of the canine species'.

            My last two dogs, Charly and now Wyoming - our beloved Charly passed away after 10 loving years just before Christmas of 2009 - Wyoming was abandoned and abused when she was brought to us in 2010 as a rescued animal, we were not even then looking to replace Charly.  IF only I could have a bitch like Charly and Wyoming,I would be living in a New Jerusalem .. -------- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


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