Friday, January 15, 2016

                    To An Illegitimate Boy Now As A Man; Born of OCT. post - 9-11

                 Maybe I am your father, may again then I am not.

                 DNA testing would have confirmed if ever I was to be confronted with the issue that,
as a married man separated from his wife, I had your mother, the one of a number she would give
birth to.

                 And if you were mine, I know your conception has in my memory, you would truly be
a love child. How ever that love would never sustain itself even when she said, when I was to return
to my wife, she was there for me anytime and anyplace.

                  Because if you were in the womb of May 2001, according to a source other than the mother; my lover outside of my wife and then still another, I never would be fixed as to obligations because I had not seen your mother for at least 5 months. I heard last of her from the other girl I was having still on and off.

                    As far as support; as separate as your mother and I as were at state and federal levels, we would be incarcerated, apart and on unrelated charges, as would be a toddler into elementary school, from 2003 - 2009. You would be born just at of or post 9 -11 2001.

                    And of the creatures of evil on both sides of the fences and picket lines and the badge of the Rule of the Thug; as only dollars taxed make the gun legit.

                     If you were mine or not, not one sought control to a yes or no question that ever remotely resembled what would be in the best interests of you as a child or any of a numbered of children.

                      More privileged than you could ever be; because their cops, rapists, pimps and thugs and the School District had those children where some one had to be accountable as to "..Whose Your Daddy?''

                     Another who could be your father, there would be some advantages , despite the traffick that made the conception bed, may be it was not love, but the candidate #2 does have some leverage where I do not.

                     And then your much older half-sister had been born with advantages not much in the way that money itself would buy. I heard she has my eyes.  ---- John David Browning Denison, TX 2016

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