Saturday, January 16, 2016

                                       At Paris; Apes Evolved from Man.
                                         January copyright 2016 of 16;
                                          Denton, TX #146379 - Pod 16

                          Mimics,      those who say from ever and ever " ..BUT [We] I thought.."
    NO they did not think, they merely were given a thought that was orated and/or even written down as instructed them to mimic. These are those for whom words are masters and the teachers, they are the ones to say the Word was made Flesh.  Universally speaking as a culture pre - literate. Advertising agencies and their employed copy writers, as the same as any journalist(s); and clergy, preachers, gurus and avatars; make a living and/or get wealthy off making money from Mimics.

                  Literates;      those who use words to think, not just repeat, as a test taker would; as a Spanish speaker, to take a test on Spanish language, and make a B.  These Literati outside of whether they were PhD's and/or dyslexics are those whose words are tools, tools like a screw driver, that can fix a loose hinge. Or a screw driver to stab and kill to fix a problem person. Literates use words to dig a hole to lay a foundation, or dig a hole to bury a body. For these the Flesh is to be made the Word. The word to be is what the word is meant to be; if they were working an Ad agency and/or delivering pre-soften- pablum to a Sunday sermon to digest for a faithful flock of sheeple assembled one hour of a week -------------- to be continued --- copyright Diogenes Ltd 2016.


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