Tuesday, January 5, 2016

                                                    Tuesday 5, of January 2016

                                               The Leveller; intro The Digger Dog

                        "What kind of Hell that must be..to be tormented by your own creations?"
                                                    --- John LeCarre

         It is almost, close enough enough as it would January of 1986; 30 years ago today, a few days numbered under a week. 30 years ago in a world that in a sense today  -- as it was done in Fort Worth Texas -- They could not get away with it now days; this aspect of their Open Lie. Because of the world wide web. And I myself would have had  it to piece together: a video to the story of a song;  to be too dangerous as to exposure to go viral.   Earache My Eye, a take on Cheech and Chong classic;  as the audience were underage girls and their infant children.

          People in the 1980's took it a point in their favor, regarding intellect and moral fiber, to avoid reading both the Fort Worth Star Telegram. And viewing the evening news of especially in the Metroplex before the days of cable TV, Channel 5.

          Knowing both the world of professional journalism from family heritage, and the overlap of cop and criminal in the arena of drug trade. And the consequences of abuses of power; of too well regarded by the favored status of those they both served and pimped for.

           I have bookmarked the obits of  3-5 cops and a news reporter or two; whose memorial belies the fact these men in death, deserve nothing better than a cesspool for the final remains of what they really were. As  many, too many have themselves died without any name enshrined on their tomb.

         Because it was so ridiculous and such degenerated evil that it was too funny not to have been viral in a world decades from YouTube. And still even 6-8 years before the Internet was  common place enough to be posed so, to have as global  nations to be know and be in a word and a world  yet to be on-line.

         But the two real and very pertinent here, only these two people, who I have in my mind now; as to be both brief and all inclusive.  As say not that I can apologize, because to say I am sorry,  yes true enough, but to be sorry for what? That it is complex as it can be, explaining being sucker punched  to innocent victims.

         From one not innocent. Yet for these two individuals; as guilty as the business and friends and friends of the very weak family one can be tied to. They  are as even more guilty than I ever could be. They lied - The Big Lie - to these two, other wise I would have never had to sucker punch a young lady in her professional standing.

         And the young man as her in-law, Sucker punch in a literal sense, would mean from the size of the young man, to be lucky to not land up in an ER. If he decided hit back.

            And, for I to do, what the innocent victims of the professionals who would be their bosses would fear the most. As fear would make them both shown as cowards and to be so stupid as their cowardice would reap rewards, in arrogance alone, winning approval  from the peers and uber-bosses they would build careers and climb ladders made of the bones and flesh of the victims that are the paychecks for these UN-principled and depraved indifferent professionals.

              The City Police Chief of Denison TX, and not one cop yet to figure:  that if the young lady in question works as honest and virtue would be a career marker. But secretly her boss or two bosses are whore mongers. And being a cop in Denison TX means pleasing the bosses as whoremongers as job security.

              AS in December of 2014; and  still the same song as December 2015. The cops will not fix the problem as too much able to ignore at West Elm & 800 N. Layne.

              And I max out three years on a federal violation; because some one went to the police about what he learned from me by OCT 2006;   of Morton Plaza and Lum.   And because of a law of Texas Mandated Guidelines Clause (C).

               Of the above mentioned young professional lady.  I may be a bad person, but unlike her bosses, it would not be a motive of sexual exploits to boast of, to impress half-ass flunkys on the city-of- Denison- taxed - based - life- to -subsidize. Would it?

                                                            ---- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

[ 1965 - 1989;  " Jackie was just speeding away/ thought she was James Dean for a Day..."  RIP ].

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