Friday, January 1, 2016

The Leveller; intro the Digger Dog JAN. 1 2016 --
Happy New Year
 The Weapon -- Frederic Brown

          As a johnny - come - lately on-line and more of a newbie to social media and now to blogging - I have found Google such an excellent tool for research. . The key words of the last line in that short story I read once when I was no more than 23 years old in the early 1980's. And now I know over 30 years, again the the title and author and as apparent well known short story that a number of links have the entire text of The Weapon by Frederic Brown.

             I had deleted two prior drafts to set up the fact that I did not vote in the last two presidential elections; but of the fact in 2008, I went against a personal principle of mine that I did not bet on sporting events, and put $20.00 on Obama to win knowing it would be easy money earned.

               As of to date, I know it would be wrong to wager on the most likely next president to be sworn in January of 2017; President Trump who is on record of illegal aliens set out to sexually assault him and on 9 -11 witnessed thousands of Muslims dancing the streets of Newark NJ.

               The next president of the USA displays symptom of delusions of grandeur with hallucinatory episodes. Or as a criminal profiled of a pathological liar.

               Well, just so the "Tyranny of the Majority" realizes who they put into the Oval Office because they like his TV reality show The Apprentice.

            Below is from DISQUS, a social media I signed on to by default when I posted a comment to a web-site The Picket Line - the site devoted to tax-resistance. In addition to not voting I pay a zero net of income into any local, state or federal taxes. You will never pin the blame on my ballot and dollar.


 IN a Dictatorship the Oligarchy takes the power from the people.

 IN a Democracy the people yield to the "Tyranny of the Majority".

 IN a Democratic-republic -- as in the USA -- the people give up their power to the Oligarchy.

 The Anarchist gives up NO or at the very least as little power to either the Oligarchy and/or "Tyranny of the Majority".

 -- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.

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