Monday, February 1, 2016

                                                               February 1 2016

                                       My wife, Janet Irene Horner Browning; As how our marriage of
                                       25 years lasted with both of us still alive; don't try this at home.

             Last few years have been rough on my wife. As she says of how I have changed since prison. No I have not changed just more focused. But to her that just made me a bigger pain in the ass.

            Poor woman I realize now has felt under siege from me. So I am trying to do better than that. She has had enough already if I wasn't so bad enough. And yet still she has made me better than I could have ever been otherwise.

             In prison it was noted from other inmates how lucky I was she wrote me constantly, I was apt to receive mail from her every day. Of course that would always to lead to subject of skank letters and could they read them. I would ask what did they have in exchange for me.

            Anyway most of my wife and the business of scum control is on my facebook. She has the kind of family that makes me sick sometimes of the shared DNA of otherwise a very fine woman who aged well.She did make one unfortunate mistake breeding but only once, she is the first to say. But maybe the genetic lines can pass through us but does not have to be some dominant as to overcome us.

            As I do not define her by any limitations, far from it. She unfortunately does not share much of my contempt for people because she does not have the perspective I do. Maybe that is good for her.

            But I do know I did the best, somehow on facebook, to the neighbours and their redneck daddies as fat girls farting, who to justify their pimp mentality would visit my wife as they would their unfortunate female chattel, I post facebook to all fat girls farting global www. A big fat middle finger up the fat farting girl ass.

                               From my wife from me .--- copyright Diogenes Ltd. Keep it in your own big girl pants City of Dension. 2016

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