Wednesday, January 20, 2016

       I Corinthians 10:23; "true" Diggers selling eminent domain real estate

    The Politics of Dancing;    What Anarchist would choose liberty to homestead aside EPA Regulators, to euphemisms of Windscreen as Freedom from Thought as Democracy in Action?


        What Ed Snowden did not realize; what only some one born thirty years after No Such Agency - could have as the only one with the cred to reveal tens of billions of $$ taxed pork barrel is Lovecraftian Cthulhu Classified Big Brother Watching You with One Glass Eye and cannot see out of the other, of a Helen Keller to fall into the Woods and NO Sound was to hear on March 09, 2014 about 4:20 pm, as I walked my dog.

  As dead already and honoured by both Partys: of the US Senator who had three friends of mine murdered to keep the break of the chain of custody secured on record. What we did not do, what I just saw the black teener - girl do.  Tagging as MIS-representation is a subject to the death penalty in the Laws of the ' Hood -                                                              

                      (working out the jacket blurb for my factional account to type as manuscript off-line -- Going Down to Liverpool 1983 -)  copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

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