Saturday, February 13, 2016

                                                Abraham's Children in faith;
                                                  Tyranny of the Majority,
                                                  the faint-heart faithful

             Formal Social Control is just another sociological term for the law of the land, draconian and libertarian. Informal Social Controls; un-codified customs and mores and taboos, maybe commonplace, common sense and perennial to all nations and all times. Or peculiar to any given culture of a certain era and location that history placed by happenstance that given tribe and/or civilization.

               But we will confine ourselves to the American Culture and the Government of the USA as it stands now. Where, as Eric Hoffer observed - when the people are free to choose, they imitate each other. And hence, from the noble idea of Democracy, the will of the people can only be now of the "Tyranny of the Majority".

              Of the Western Culture its three mainstay religions; Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all have Abraham the father of a people and a major prophet of a god called Jehovah and/or Allah or just the Lord, but the name is of the same god. Indeed, the name Elohim for god is literally " the gods ", as Judaism was then in transition from poly- to monotheism.

              But this digression into the origin of the same boss in choice of name of deity in charge is to illustrate that if god or government still, as only an omnipotent and omniscience god could be. Is hyper-dependent that its creation capable of higher thought must have faith it exists omnipotent and omniscience or else it will banish to eternal death and/or damnation any who do not follow in faith or creed or ritual or paying the piper his dues as only an all powerful and all knowing must be co-dependent on those who would never pretend being all powerful all knowing or even mentally and moral balanced enough for public office.

         But in America where faith as illustrated, literally, in a Chick Bible tract gives all the mainstream and fringe would need to secure heaven. Others demand much more to prove the faith. Some in America would call it a breach of separation of church and state. Other nations would calling it beheading children whose faith differed from the looters rapists and thugs in the name of Allah called ISIS.

        Does that mean every Muslim would slaughter children? Or every Christian requires only barely minimal thought to mimic words, said written thousands of years ago, to choose between unreal paradise or eternal torment by understanding and following instructions in Basic English? Of course not.

       People are not that bad from man to man or woman to woman. But a Tyranny of the Majority; in a congregation or mosque; or the opinion polls or the nielsen ratings for TV prime time and/or, especially and/or, in this upcoming presidential election the choice in candidate for public office.

        As stands now, a socialist who would swaddle the American People, knowing best for them and damn the IOUs passed as debt bondage to a generation to generation yet to be born. But destined to assume not just the sins, but the penalties and interest payments, of a money borrowed they never saw or could choose to benefit or not from.

       Or a mono-maniac whose TV reality show is rated enough, and who is given credit for speaking plainly, where others would regard him as a ego-driven jerk. But as one who himself is accused of being egoist if not a jerk at times, I would not have "my people.." think I was so great that I could shoot at random on 5th Ave. and not lose their support.

       In fact my plain speaking has rubbed the wrong way if not alienated my own wife at times.  But if ever I would depend more on the Majority as Tyrant. Who knows what a anonymous authority which could depend on the mob rule of overwhelming force not to call me out as a jerk and/or heinous criminal who would boast of the ability to shoot down 5th Avenue pedestrians.

       And that is the point if it be American and/or Biblical History. The thugs and looters can use any god or label to justify their crimes. But only because the faithful of the victims can use the god, government and/or majority rule for the appeasement and acceptance for and of the crimes of the small in number, made great in number, by the consent of the would-be govern who choose instead to be ruled, governed and/or oppressed.     --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016


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