Wednesday, February 3, 2016

                                                           The Chain;
                                          of custody, or fools and/or just a pipeline to feed
                                              the consumer choices of the masses

      The Chain as a criminal organization(s), of the most heinous crimes, one would not even as usual associate with trafficking contraband by any cartel and/or street gang per se; although they are inclusive of them.

      As links are of a chain, The Chain in itself is hard to describe as a hierarchy. Even if some links are stronger than other links, but the length of The Chain is determined by the criminal law code regarding  conspiracy. Conspiracy a word that I make a point to only use as it is defined in the legal system.

      And unlike the usual chain which is only as strong as its weakest link, a weaker link can be broken, but the chain itself will remain intact.

       The Chain goes beyond the ordinary reach of business enterprises -- some people will do things to other people outside of just ordinary monetary gain - a deer hunter does not, indeed would counterproductive to, shoot to torture before killing.

      Easy to visualize over time and geography a chain of communities operating as unison and oppression; a series of crimes of  rape and murder through even interstate and decades can be called most precisely a segment of the chain as defined by the laws of conspiracy. What is interesting, it can be applied to one individual with no co-defendants, or in theory to an indefinite number, but then there is the old saw of treason doth never prosper.

      And worded so as to be both inclusive and specific as to the actions needed to define criminal conspiracy which can be actions seemingly as non-action, in themselves not a crime or at the very least minor offenses.

     Interesting postulation; imagine a cop paid to look the other way on a body dump of troublesome girl;

       Can be tied as the group moves through this chain and by facilitation of bored housewife working prostitution at the local truck stop; a good old boy drinking beer and working a machine shop at a defense contractor, knowing of an activity of the group as they work and knowing of their future enterprises; and coming into to some benefit and/or status facilitating the group; and a city council member diddling little girls on the side, doing his one hand to the other washing.

     To pass along the group to years and miles down the road to film and rape little girls in a snuff film. Now all are linked from a cop to hooker to a redneck to a bad boy on the city council to the unspeakable crimes against children. Though the cop was just greedy and the whore a non-entity. And the hotel concierge  knew nothing of any concerns about the establishment a few years and miles down the road. For reasons beyond, indeed apart, from what profit most of the masses.
       One must think when and who  he does business with more carefully. Earning that 9-5 IN GOD WE TRUST.  Working the slogan to sell cars is crass enough, but pay-offs with children? God might take offense.  -- copyrighted 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

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