Monday, February 15, 2016

                                                          Beauty of Science;
                                             It works whether you know it or not.

      When one considers that the 6th Great Extinction will be full bloom in the life and times of the
children to be born of now the children that are today. And that the last impacting 5th Great Extinction was 65 million years ago; and what was the concern then, before Man was yet dawning in his awareness of knowledge of the world about him?

        Probably more concerned than just needing galoshes at sea level to walk the streets of Manhattan due the rising tide which Climate Deniers and their experts at 2 + 2 equals minus 5 nay-say. And there is a free lunch and no tomorrow as if the success of Smithian Economics - and indeed I am the most in believing the success of; as income inequity was a busy work buzz-word for the needs to grant wants, which just ten years prior was not needed - but Natural Selection has done in many of too good of a thing.

        Newton did not invent but discovered every action has an opposite, equal reaction. And too many of one straw can hump a camel's back. So if the life cycle of a forest grove can impact, positive, negative or just simply impact, the aquatic environment of a bordering pond.

        Seven Billion+ of Humanity and its heat waste products dumped constantly and globally into the atmosphere and there was and is not to be an impact? And common sense tells anyone heat dissipated is a quantity that is nothing but pure waste. As no viable recovery has ever been found to make use of saw dust, so if waste is added to waste and if confined to a sphere which is the sky above and is as much the biosphere as much as the land and the oceans are part of one big blue planet.

      Nothing but a cretinous despot who would steal food from a baby mouth to gorge himself would deny a climate at risk due his appetites for things more often needed because the market told him today. What was not on the market as need yesterday. -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



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