Thursday, February 18, 2016

                                                           28 29 92 9 - 07 - 2006-2016
                                                     bitch and gripe Broadcast In Silence

     Nation Autonomous is just a fancy for Anarchist Sphere of Influence. By definition, No Authority can be exerted upon others. Except when the city council member is caught up with his mama two-timing and then the babysitting fees are due.

     So then Denison's Finest have the pretext of the law, its facade as the final and supreme court. But one bullet is as equal opportunity as the next.

     But as most see authority as force to begin with, and the side of the bread is buttered with those who have their wives and kids to hold for delivery as to pay the piper, his indulgences. Because grandma's sister aunt Iris died at 87 peacefully watching TV in Hemphill TX, some yahoo would have that as  "....their power.." And authority is but force how expressed as brutality and violence, called in another word Bias with a capital B; and though their wives and kids will feed the bear, I must be dealing in dealing with the enemy of my enemy.

   IF only more good christians put as much faith in their Jesus and they served their Christ with far more faith than  in Bias with a capital B.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

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