Saturday, February 20, 2016

                                        "...'They' don't know who 'They' are...[AH - but they do]..."
                                        Zombis, Rise of the Machines, present tense. "Tools of our
                                        Tools" 1845 - 1833

                                         In Wake of A Community School And
                                         Church Scandal; Pre-Teen Spy Ring

                                                 Shocking Poetry Readings!

     Okay it's not that bad. But really, to K's mom, you are too smart Not to know something's wrong with the DISD faculty's explanation that I was "drunk" as to absolve responsibility for the offending verse. As how many poets can lay claim to pissing off a 4th grade schoolgirl?

       Why neither the Police have been arresting in the name of law and order -  the links that bind each cuff bind cop and criminal; sinner and saint. Or the Anarchists are not calling to storm the Bastille - a little late as the public school in question was shut down and the buildings themselves levelled by heavy equipment years ago - popular culture would have the answer: Zombis.

       Zombis as now they are in vogue. To me is a mark of enlightment. The Walking Dead, from whom if you survive having half your face chewed off by a horde of these creatures; you are doomed, as infected,  to become one of the mindless flesh-eating masses.

      But notice individually how pathetic as monsters is the singular zombi- walking dead? Grandma could take one out. But as they are always a horde and masses of these strength-in-numbers. Best to kill them one at a time with archery. Because to shoot with a noisy firearm like an AK-47 or shotgun is to ring the dinner bell that there are dissenter-humans about.

        I still prefer Lycans. How cool would it be to transform at will into a Wolfen? As for Vampires, they remind me of an ex-girlfriend or two.

        I had an interesting conversation with my techie-Dad about the Rise of the Machines scenerio. Not willful designed software but evolution in the cyber-realm globally becoming self-aware. My point however is the Predominate need not be Artificial Intelligence on par or beyond Human Intelligence. It merely has to be the Dominate presence to over-ride and over-rule any other faction(s) to be so-called OverLord.

        I postulate such is the world wide situation and crisis in the present tense. And nowhere yet to affix as Rise of the Machines  "..the attack began at 6:18 pm..". Merely to realize the startup of societal programming began in America and Great Britain in the year of 1833 AD. The year Public Education became set to teach youngsters to subordinate themselves - to educate them -  to tasks of rote and repetition to serve the economic output of technology.

       "Tools of our Tools"; Walden was published in 1854. From the living experiment commenced in 1845. 12 years after Henry David Thoreau entered Harvard University in 1833.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


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