Tuesday, April 26, 2016

                                                            God's Word Interpreted
                                                           57 varieties and 32 flavors

           I guess the contra-wise to the notion of the Holy Infallible Word would be why then so many different ways scripture always gets read?

            That is why I never put stock in the proverbial word from the top. It always can mean anything because it says nothing but generalities.

             Like when I was in prison;  the objections of voicing of an angel from such a dirty mouth and dirty mind. Hey it isn't that bad.

              And the messenger from most high was himself a hard-timer convicted of raping a 13 - year - old across Louisiana state lines. He was set to be released  in 2015 I recall.

             If there are conspiracies that go all the way to the top; are there then conspiracies that go clear to the bottom?

            There are different ways to  look at what filters down. Bottoming out is just water seeking its own level.

                                ------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


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