Thursday, June 30, 2016

                                                    ".' can't be anything weird..' "
                                                                 ---- Nurse Reid RN
                                       Butner Federal Medical Center - Bureau of Prisons NC

                  Of all the excuses of cowardly covering up the facts of a murder victim as an abused family member, that has to take the cake. Nurse Reid, however loathsome jackboot of a medical professional she be, was only quoting.

                  Today's local paper had an article about a decades old cold case from the perspective of a friend of the victim. It will twist you; to quote and I can completely understand  "..took away my world-view."

                   Her friend was the victim of an apparent random attack. My Patricia was hit because I was too quick to kill. So any predator will always go for the easier prey, the softer target. See below February 28, 2016 blog, May 28 2016 and others blogged    ---- copyright Diogenes Ltd.


Friday, June 24, 2016

                                                               On Naturalism

               I prefer to call myself a Naturalist rather than Atheist for the reason that "God", at least in the Western world-view, is always equated with the Supernatural that is to be believed in strictly due faith. And when faith is being justified the believer sets out to prove the supernatural.

               But if you "prove" the supernatural the Supernatural is no longer supernatural but natural phenomena. If indeed there was an over-arching Being of supreme knowledge and power outside the world of phenomena I would still believe in Naturalism because such a Supreme Being could only be known as natural phenomena.

                And if you were to explain gravity to a primitive tribe in the jungle, they would think that this natural force of gravity was but a god.
                                  Why The Machine is Now the Dominate Power on Earth
                                                             "Tools of their tools"

      In my blog I present a viewpoint that the Rise of the Machines has already happened without any need for a 'Skynet' Artificial Intelligence to evolve in cyberspace. Indeed Artificial Intelligence is moot as the collective organic intelligence is hardwired on the internet in the way the nervous system is cybernetically wired in our anatomy.

      Interesting that Neo-Luddites use the internet with Youtube and blogs to express their fears, concerns and opinions. Because it is the best way to reach out to society. Like in the Terminator movies where cyborgs are captured and reprogrammed to fight for Humanity.

      The Rise of the Machines began in 1833 when Public Education was instituted to train factory workers to operate the mechanisms in pace and capacity of the machinery and so become subordinate to the economic demands of the products and distribution thereof.

       I have a dismal outlook for Homo sapien for the next few hundred years. As the Sixth Great Extinction will leave a dying biosphere that humans are a part of and depended on as much as whale or protozoa.

      Even Orwellian that the term 'Income Inequity' was coined when  the standard of living is at a global historic high and rising further. As the economic demands of the machines feeds an ever increasing appetites as malnourished and starving populations has had its number cut in half in the last 30 years. And now obesity is a world-wide problem.

      Now the powers-that-be know the Hierarchy is fixed on and in the cyber-realm. Like Oak trees in a grove that grow out so thick to shut out the sunlight needed for its own seedlings to survive. To make way for other species to grow over in the climax forest. --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

                                                           On Naturalism and Man.

     Remember what is of Nature; conserved here or there, or not conserved. That it is not this or that species' of animals and plants is to go extinct, or not so, until for another 100 or million years.

     But as Man seemingly apart in the skyscrapers or the orbiting space stations from the forests. Is no more remote from the ocean and desert ecosystems that are subject to the same natural laws that govern both the vitality and decline of any given biosphere.

      As much as it would be needed to factor gravity into the engineering  capabilities and limitations, the laws of conservation and entropy, in considering launching a space craft to land on Mars.

       Gravity governs both the fall of a tree and the leveling of water over a marsh as gravity is ubiquitous in the 100 of 1000 billion of galaxies and applies a trillion light years away as here as it would have the apple or the acorn fall from and how far from the tree.

      We as humans in developing tools beyond the natural abilities of our primitive state of being. Did not develop above and away from our natural origins, we merely adapt to our tools as to compensate, maybe over compensate, our inherent weaknesses to survive and thrive.

      But not to bypass the Governing of Naturalism, as we would no more think to overthrow the Throne of God Himself.   --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

                                             Henry David Thoreau was NOT a Pacifist
                                         (And also, he did not refuse his Harvard diploma)

          A bone of contention among many Thoreauvians is the common mis-perception that Thoreau ever was a pacifist. Even Joseph Wood Krutch made this misinterpretation when trying to reconcile Thoreau 's later support  and championing of the armed abolitionist John Brown (In fact Thoreau helped one of his soldiers escape into Canada after Harper's Ferry).

            I think the later title Civil Disobedience is the reason, of what first was published as Resistance to Civil Government, for a lot of the misleading notions. I think idea of Civil Rights Workers having their heads bashed in by state-sanctioned thugs as passive resistance is the reason for this pacifist notion of what basically is, in my opinion,  the definitive work on the argument for anarchism.

           To quote Thoreau; "But even suppose blood should flow. Is there not a sort of blood shed when the conscience is wounded?"

          Which brings us to date; and in fact if the detestable Hillary Clinton does not secure the White House.  And my gambler's instinct which won me money when Obama was running against McClain, but I could not place money on who is the winner to be to this gambler's instinct, That abomination Donald Trump and his mental diseased supporters.

          It should be noted that the media moguls have a money machine in Trump; pro or con for or against, it doesn't matter. As CBS CEO Les Moonves observed "Trump may not be good for the country but he is great for ratings." So our media will invest in Trump because he is good business. And the Majority needs the media to tell them how and what to think.

         And that a Majority would decide that a wall would border and enclose a freedom loving peoples? -- the proposed wall between Mexico and the US. Freedom loving peoples do not put up walls around a land. That is for a Communist Berlin or a despot of ancient China.

        No curl up and die pacifism for me. I will fight to the death before any hate-mongering racist hairbag  puts a wall around my land just a few hundred miles from my homestead. A Majority of One if need be.  
--- John David Browning.