Thursday, August 11, 2016

                                         Consequences of Reality and the Road to Hell.

             Years ago I had a taste for drugs and partying; but not murder and extortion. So I snitched in a rather creative way, in that as a nickel and dime dope dealer I had to take the wrong kind of things and people into consideration, as they too had no taste for the heavy numbers.

              It was a mistake on my part. Because even old enough know better; the goons who do manage to have acquired money and power can be creative  as much as I, and they have the weight to throw it around, for both the cops and the masses think of money and such as power and weight to throw around.

             But creativity breeds more of the same, and things escalate that never should. And further down my blog, one can read how a baker's dozen of the most heinous killers - one such kept his victim alive for two days -- will never see the inside of a courtroom for their crimes, because of what would be my testimony as to the what all of the weight of money and power in the cop shops here and there.

             The police can only be cross-examined with clean hands. And the cumulative effects of the years has assured that my testimony would equal cops with dirty hands and reasonable doubt about the would-be defendant.   -- John David Browning AKA Dog -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


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