Monday, August 8, 2016

                                   Regarding The Excise Tax And Tax Resistance.

                 From military misadventures and corporate bailouts, to state prisons housing drug offenders who were not victimizing anyone by the way that they catch a buzz, to our town of Denison subsidizing some wealthy family's tax shelter, funding from the city coffers, reviving a decayed downtown district. I object to subsidizing as a tax enabler as a sucker who draws no benefit from wars and crime and bailouts and tax shelters. So circumstances are such that I became a tax looter -- and now it weighs heavy on me.

                 Of the following Youtube video of Julia Butterfly Hill; there is more than just refusing to pay federal income tax. Even though many believe that "poor people" do not pay federal taxes, they do.

                 Local, state and federal excise taxes may not be directly paid by the consumer but the excise tax is included in the bill of sale for good and services whenever you shop or pay for something ordered.

                  In my case of living on Social Security; I pay net zero on local, state and federal taxes. As what is paid to me means only the government gets back minus what it paid out to me personally. But as for excise taxes, I cannot avoid them completely but how much could I( and we) avoid paying?

                  How much I buy that is not what is needed. I live simply enough but I have my wants and vices like tobacco and booze and too many Java Monster Mean Bean energy drinks. And while morally it is right to avoid paying taxes like the federal income tax, as many keep their income bracket low enough to avoid such.

                   How much more money could I withhold from the corrupt and destructive mechanisms at every level of government by making more simplifications to my lifestyle. Where too many wants have become to me a need. Oh well, really, with its stamp tax, I should give up the cigarettes. As is I could live longer with my bum ticker. -- Diogenes Ltd


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