Wednesday, November 9, 2016

                                                           Olympus Has Fallen;
                                                    Gambler's instinct was right
                                                      Post -Election Resistance

         Previous blogs I projected Trump the winner due to my gambler's instinct, which has paid off for me a time or two. I did not place any bets for morality sake; to win money on Trump would be as bad as betting on the outcome of an Amber Alert.

        To 3rd party voters, a vote for Hillary, loathsome looter she is, would just be a vote against Trump who has fueled the worst of America and Americans in this remake of the Weimar Republic. Clinton is just another wealth and power seeking oligarch. Donald Trump is a psychopath who just happened to be a billionaire who could buy his way into the primaries and sway the white trash, who knew him as a famous TV reality star.

          But you say I did not vote at all? I could be a fan of the Detroit Lions but I sure would lose money betting on them making the play-offs let alone the Super Bowl. And as Hillary got the popular vote by around a 150,000 one more vote against Trump would not have mattered.

           Why I am an anarchist who is not a believer in Democracy. Because The Electoral Process is like a casino, and I do not play to lose. Why at the actual casinos in Biloxi Mississippi I came out ahead, not rich but ahead. As the odds always favor the House and the Oligarchy.  And if one plays there one plays by house rules.

             So by not placing a bet on a ballot I did not lose, I did not concede that 50% of the population which held the winning hand of the electoral votes is one I will recognize, because I only bet what I can afford to lose. And as a Facebook "friend" posted that Trump was a victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The victory through our Lord Jesus Christ includes a skank of a First Lady photographed in soft core porn.

                                Welcome to Hell, The Resistance has begun.  --- Diogenes Ltd.

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