Monday, November 7, 2016

                                                               Sheeple Vote;
                                              Rootstrike! the Lynch Mob Democracy
                                                          The Power Pyramid

     The hierarchy of the power pyramid. Any student of history needs no introduction to its nature and how whatever upheaval of revolution and coup and attacks from without.The Power Pyramid always reasserts itself.

     Because as the apex would be lobbed off, the structure itself stands still. For like the head sliced off the   Hydra, the lower levels ascend to the prior equilibrium.

     But imagine if one set about to not displace its pinnacle, but to knock out the bottom of its lower tiers. Then the whole structure collapses under its own oppressive weight.

     Wait a minute. Is not that how wars are fought anyway? It is the white trash who fight in the combat zone as the privileged sip lattes at the upscale coffee houses. Oh well it was just an idea.

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