Tuesday, November 22, 2016

                                                Post Electoral College Blues
                           The Mexicans Are to Blame for the Defeat of Hillary Clinton;
                                   And the Jews Gave Rise to the Nazis and WWII

         To date Donald Trump is on his period, ranting at the Mainstream Media, the ones that gave him all that free air time because he was good for ratings. As Trump goes through the remainder of his cycle, I will address the reason that Donald Trump will be the next president, Mexicans.

        The same reason there is a need for White Supremacy; uppity black men lusting after white women and threatening the White gene pool. How else could the Nazis rise to power? If not that their political platform had to liquidate the Jews who controlled all the money through the banking system (In fact under the Nazis Jews still controlled the banking system; the Rothschilds were among the bankers to cash in on gold stolen from Jewish teeth at the concentration camps).

          Now Hillary Clinton could say she would bomb enough Muslims, but Donald Trump had one over on her regarding all the Mexican rapists flooding across the border and stealing all the food stamps in the trailer parks. Yes,white people, I am afraid it is true; white people live in the trailer parks and collect food stamps and Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Ensuring enough White people breed. Give or take a number of bi-racial families.

           O say can you see America. You cannot stand for anything unless you have something against which to trample underfoot and to purge. And to the Evangelical churches that whored out to Donald and his porn star First Lady to be, in order to Make America White Again. Unless you were born of sin, Jesus would be as useless as a bump on a frog's butt...that's why religion and politics don't mix.   --- copyright Diogenes Ltd.

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