Thursday, November 24, 2016

                                           On this Thursday of Thanksgiving Day;
                                     A Word of Our Church, Lady Eris Roll The Bones

      Many religious peoples, and maybe a number greater of nominal believers, will offer thanks to a god This Thanksgiving Day for the many blessings and good fortunes they feel they have been bestowed with. That god has looked over them and that that god had smiled upon them and gave them a good life. For some they feel god has favored them with just life itself, as being dead and/or non-existent sucks.

      That a god in the heavens or nether-sphere, weighs the good and bad and balances out the lives of all his children and other such creatures, and in accordance with a grand plan; measures out the good and evil in some Cosmic Scheme to bring about his will over all of the heavens and earth.

     At the Church of Lady Eris Roll The Bones, we believe only in a god that leaves everything to random chance. Not Order but Chaotic interactions are at play in Heaven and Earth. That the will of god is but the same as the roll of a gambler's dice. That the will of god is whatever or however the scattered chips or toss of the coin would fall. Not according to plan but strictly due to chance is god's will

    Every day on a given sixth Tuesday we gather as a body in accordance with Lady Eris Roll the Bones. As believers we give up $6.00 and our names on a slip of paper. In strictly a random draw, one name is selected to win the proceeds from the collection, minus a maintenance fee. The winner, in keeping with our faith, is just pure lucky in the in-church lottery.

    Then comes a second drawing of the lots; that one selected, again strictly due to the randomization of the mixed lots, is selected to be beaten with an ugly stick. One is lucky, due chance,  to depart the church of Lady Eris Roll The Bones with a jackpot of money; another is quite beaten up and in need of physical recuperation for a few days. All due to a belief in a random god who leaves everything and all to chance, Chaos if you will.

    Many of our followers have never won this lottery or been beaten with an ugly stick. Some have been beaten with a ugly stick one sixth Tuesday, won money the next sixth Tuesday, than three months later beaten with an ugly stick again - the money won months prior now all gone for the then lucky one. The House, or church of our Lady Eris, always take the maintenance fee off the top of the money-pot drawing.

     Outside of Randomization as the manifestation of god, we just believe in a Golden Rule: Do unto to others before they do unto you. And that the meek shall inherit the earth after it is burnt and toxic from the strong using and raping and squeezing out of it every viable drop of natural resources. --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. Happy Thanksgiving 2016


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