Monday, December 19, 2016

                                              Disclaimer, Warning and Do Not Ever Do This;
                                                      All of the Below That Follows

      Do not ever snitch, that being said, is to be qualified with: DO NOT EVER SNITCH

     Decades ago, when I could at least claim I was young and not worldly-wise, I allowed myself to fall into this trap. I did not have the common sense of the rap star Cam'ron who would not help the police even if he knew he had a serial killer living next door, though he would probably move. Although Cam'ron was just citing what was his business ethics, he did invoke the option of flight of the survival imperative fight or flight. The fight or flight is a biological imperative to which human to coyote to lizard to cockroach can avail.

     Noteworthy as an aside, cattle in the slaughter house and abused children do not have these options, as fight is not possible and flight is prohibited.

      As they presented this of themselves to me; former employers whose pride and delight was rape and abuse of stupid girls, that they could up their ante in a time frame and city where there were quite unfortunate girls of whom most are still cold cases - as the greatest evil starts with a simple compromise, and the long journey begins with a single step - alerting the police would be more my misfortune than my former employers. And now deceased and retired cops whose honors and platitudes should be in a garbage dump with their remains for their good old boy quid pro quo.

       I came to be an anarchist fairly late in life. Like many I use to believe representative democracy was a necessary evil, and being strung out on drugs, I was quite impatient for "...all at once a better government.." It does not happen. And I no longer do illicit drugs, which decades ago was a bonus to sting my former employers, who like my source, were confidential informants, who had their own bonuses from and quid pro quo with the cops.

       There is a fallacy of anarchism, disputing the "legitimacy" of government, monarchy to dictatorship to representative democracy, since all depend on not one's freedom of choice to go along or opt out, but on force to obtain and remain in control. However as I was first schooled in Gangsterism long before I learned Anarchism; extortion by force is the legitimacy of government; gangsterism, fascism, school yard bully and democracy ("Tyranny of the Majority", whether the neighborhood patrol or the lynch mob).

        For the harm and trauma I was to cause by not respecting either the formalized law or the sex trafficker, I can only say, I had to choose to align, deluding myself that one would be the lesser evil of the other. -- Diogenes Ltd.

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